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UFO FInished

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I too love the border.

I just bought Diana Phillips More Line Dancing book and some of the border treatments in there might tie in with whatever you put in the big blank blocks.

I think that I would chalk in straight lines (Pam Clarke's Designs with Lines 2" would be perfect http://www.homestitches.com/stencils1.html). Then in the same fashion that you treat piano keys, I would stitch a simple line dance that coordinates with the block. Here are a few to choose from. Her book is great for ideas for blocks and borders.

I hope this helps.


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For me, binding is harder than quilting. I suck at it. I usually take mine to a friend who have a real talent for lining it all up.

I did just read a blog about applying the binding to the front of you quilt using a longarm. I think that would be a wonderful service to add. I plan to try it on one of my own quilts first, though.;) Check it out.


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Caution: if you go the way of finding a friend to do your binding, preview her/his work first. You don't want half inch loose stitches, or a wonky binding finish. Ask me how I know. Friends can be exasperating sometimes, but they are valuable! If you have patience and find one you can teach, so much the better.:D

Piano keys, yes. How about wavey piano keys, following the lines in the fabric?

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I can't begin to count my PhDs and don't really want to know. I'd better not mention that I have a lot of PhDs around my sis and her husband. They have theirs for real in botany and organic chemistry respectively. I have a feeling that they wouldn't appreciate mine. I like it though.


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