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so many threads to deal with

Helen G

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Right now I am working on a quilt that I bought for next to nothing on ebay to practise a lot of ruler work and stitch in the ditch on. I usually knot my ends and bury my threads, but when you do a lot of stops and starts I am wondering if threads will stay in place if they are secured well and clipped.

I am wondering what you all do with your threads?? If you were doing a quilt for competition would the threads have to be all knotted and buried?

Thanks, still new at the LAing!

Helen ;)

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Helen, If the quilt is for a quilt show then yes I would probably knot and bury. Stitch in the ditch, SID, with the right backing can be more forgiving. If the backing is a print and the small stitches are going to show, I'd carefully make 2 - 3 needle up/down moving just slightly to secure.

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Originally posted by hmerrill


I always knot and bury. I know there are many that do the 3 little stitches and call it a day but really my experience has been that those threads will start to fray a little over time. I treat all my quilts like they are going to show. For me it is just worth it.

Me and Heidi (I think we are twins?) anyway, we think a lot alike! Last year while working on one of my own personal quilts, I was doing a lot of ruler work practice PPP and this quilt of mine...I tortured myself with all this crosshatching and gosh darned it if I didn't knot and bury all of those thread tails. I swear there has got to be hundreds of knotted and buried threads in that quilt of mine! But, in the end, all that hard work, it looks really nice and clean starts/stops. It was great practice for me on that quilt! Since then, I got in the habit tieing off and burying my thread tails. I like the nice clean look. I do it all the time, now, no matter what! For some reason I feel weird if I don't knot and bury. I use the self-threading needles and they are quick and easy to use. Works for me!

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Well you two can be twins....but I get to be the mom..... But I would say not knowing for sure how tall Shana is...its might be a Mutt and Jeff thing.....:P:cool:;)

Just my thought on this as well...I also knot and bury whether its a personal quilt of a show quilt...as already stated the tiny stitches with time and washing can come out if you don't FRAY CHECK each one..and doing that you can stain your quilt if you get to much on...at least the darker fabrics get cloudy.

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YUMMO Heidi one of my fav's the more Barley the better....

I was on the out skirts of it...I've further South than Heidi so I didn't get as much, but the wind was blowing about 90 miles an hour so what snow I go was pretty much blown into drifts.... SO COLd out there right now.

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Linda we were lucky here too. Only about 4 inches. Just enough to have to snowblow and hubby had the nerve to go out of town this morning! I'm glad we didn't get the foot of snow! It was so cold and windy walking into work this morning. I walk in about 1/4 of a mile and that wind goes right through you. I had to stop and wrap my scarf around my mouth so I could breath! It sucked the wind right out of my lungs and the one is having a hard enough time it doesn't need that kind of help! I sure hope it is not so windy tomorrow.

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Ha! I'm always the evil one. Even when I was working..........I was always the bad cop, never the good one. I guess I just looked meaner. So now we have it! I can be the evil twin. Anyway, some "welfare motha" here in CA just had 8 to add to her already 6 kids (litter), so I think there can be a bunch of us.

Wow! I hide my starts and stops and backstitch. When I can't hide them, I tie off as I go. I would be overwhelmed if I waited until it was done to do all the tie-offs. Yikes!!

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