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I bought these rulers at Houston. I'm not sure how to use them. When I bought them I was told they were good to measure the distance from the last line quilted as in crosshatching. I thought I would be able to put them on the hopping foot and just sew but they don't stay there and I find it difficult trying to hold them there. They have no instructions or name so I can't look them up anywhere. Does anyone use them or know how to use them.

Thanks Debbie

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Do the rulers have any printing on them? Can you email me the pictures and I will post them? maryquilts@kc.rr.com

I was just thinking I purchased some rulers last year and some books that teach you how to use them...I don't have a clue how to use those silly things. I do that every year at MQS, watch a demo, think the rulers are the best thing since sliced bread and then can't figure out how to use them when I get home and settle down.

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If so, they are made for Gammill hopping feet and the ones that I purchased do not fit my APQS hopping foot. I use the larger ones as circle templetes, but don't try to use them as they were intend since I don't want to mess up my timing.

I just realized that they are advertizing that they do work on the APQS so maybe I should call her and tell her mine don't fit. I saw her use them in class and the are tight on the gammill foot. Mine are not tight on my foot at all.

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You ladies are trouble makers! of course I checked out the website for Linda T. and love the crosshatch circles tool. I'm going to sleep on it tonight and decide tomorrow if I can't live without them or not. The demo makes them look so cool and easy.

Debbie, if these are what you have the demo will make them make sense.

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Yes Angela thats them. They sounded so good when I saw them but I've tried them a few times and the hopping foot "hops" out of them. Maybe I will just have to use them for marking circles.

Thank you. This forum is amazing. Thank you for posting the pic Mary. I was told they would fit my Lennie but they are not tight like on the demo. I had so many ideas of ways to use them. I wonder if there is a way to make them stay tight like on the demo.

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Unless they can guarantee that the set you get will work on your APQS, I would be hesitant to purchase them. They don't work as designed on my 2008 Millie. I am not upset about them not working as designed, I use them as circles to draw or stitch around instead.

I can tell you that the ones that I have do not work like the ones that Linda used in class on her Gammill.


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When I purchased my machine and was awaiting it's arrival, a friend of mine with a Gammill gave me a ruler with a hole in it for SID...OMG...I remember putting that thing on my hopping foot and bam...It was like the 4th of July went off! I thought I would have a heart attack!! I don't know what I did with it, but it's gone now. I thought it was just me.

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I was recently at a quilt show and I bought a plastic spiral stencil which I cannot use because my hopping foot is too big. I guess this was made for a Gammil. Is there any small hopping foot available for APQS machines that I could purchase to use with these stencils? Would a Gammil hopping foot work on my machine. I have a Liberty.


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I happened to watch Linda's video yesterday using the circles. My thought, and I know I'll get some flack here, it;s just another way to do the same thing we are already doing. Notice it's only for measuring the distance (also achieved with a straight ruler), and you still need to use your channel locks for those accurate straight lines. So, if there was a chance that they would fly off, I'd be very hesitant to use them with my APQS, although they seemed to stay on hers very well. If I look on my ruler rack, I have circles galore and also my CL. I think this is a tool I can live without, but that is only my opinion.

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Linda had these at MQS last year, and I asked her if they would work on an APQS machine, and her "hubby?" who was helping her said NO. They are made for the Gammill Machines only (at that time.)

Does anyone know if they have since made ones for other machines?

Deloa Jones Appliguide fits our hopping foot for control and I LOVE MINE!!!

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Linda told me when I bought them in Houston that she "thought" that they would work on my Millie, but that she had not tested them. She was wonderful and very honest with me, so I am not upset that they don't work. The other things that I bought from her worked great.

They are not just for when you are using straight rulers. She was going around ovals, circles and football shapes them them on. If they worked they might save us a little on templates because you would not have to buy as many sizes. I am going to play with mine and see if I can come up with a way to get them to work. If I do I'll post back.

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This is just an idea, but have you tried using the stick on foam from Home Depot or a home improvement store, the type you use to seal up cracks or gaps in doors. It comes in many thickness' and maybe by getting just a smidge thicker it will compress and hold the ruler on. I would test it to see how snug it stays. Your other option is to contact her and maybe she will take them back for a credit on another product or something.

This is just an idea.


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I played with mine this afternoon. I put a couple of stickers on it one and got it to stay on the foot. They were just the colored dot stickers that you can put prices on things. So mine are not off by much. We are talking about it being the thickness of 2 sheets of paper off. I want to try something that will stick a little better but I think that we might be able to get them to work.

Maybe one of those craft foam stickers would work and put a little more presure on the foot.

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