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I've been having tension problems, think I've got that whipped. The problem was the tension would switch out on me. Thread laying on top, then beautiful stitches. Thread laying on bottom, then beautiful stitches. Did not seem directional. Well, I've wd 40, oiled good, new needle [mr 4.5], now breaking thread. Oh, my stitches are perfect. Changed to a 4.0 needle, sewers aid on the thread, R&A 50 weight. Still breaking top thread. I don't feel any burrs, it's threaded correctly. What am I missing ? HELP !! Glenda

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Agree with Darlene... try a new bobbin case.

Glenda, you only want to use a 4.5 needle with heavy thick threads. I still think your machine is too tight. Adjust your bobbin so it rolls rather easily with a slight nudge when you lift it up from the palm of your hand. After setting that bobbin tension, practice adjusting your top until your stitching feels nice and smooth on top. Make slight half or quarter turns on the top until you get a nice stitch that feels good. Keep playing. I think you are "over-thinking" this and that's where the trouble lies.

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I don't know if it makes any difference but when I have trouble with thread breaking I put a 1" square of batting soaked in sewers aid in the first thread guide and run my thread through that instead of trying to put it on the cone. Works tho. And it puts a little tension on the thread so I don't have to use a thread net.

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Ok, had a nap and just knew the machine gremlins had left. Not ! I changed the bobbin case, readjusted the tension to work with the bobbin. Still breaking top thread. I've even had some stitches that aren't even there. It's like the thread broke for one stitch and then picked back up. Any suggestions ? My thread isn't laying on top or bottom now, I got that fixed early on. That's when I started having the top thread to break.

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Originally posted by quiltingnanny

Still breaking top thread. I've even had some stitches that aren't even there. It's like the thread broke for one stitch and then picked back up. Any suggestions ?

If you have a thread break that picks back up and continues stitching, the thread is breaking under the needle plate. Check for burrs on the needle plate hole and also on the hook. The manual will show you where to look for dings or burrs on the hook and tell you how to buff them out. Good luck--I feel your frustration!

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Skipped stitch(es) can be so agravating. Have you broken or bent or jammed a needle lately? If so, maybe your machine needs to be re-timed.

If it's not making a stitch, maybe the needle is hitting the hook area at the wrong time to make a stitch and then breaking the thread on the way out.

Glenda, I hope you'll let us know what finally fixes it for you. Can you call your rep for help?

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Well, I went back to Signature thread, my ole standby Lime Green. Duhhhh, it's working fine now. Why does this crap always happen to me ?:( I've already had some cheese with my whine now I think I need some real wine ! The color I need for the king size quilt that's up next is the 'other' brand. Well, guess what, she'll get lime ! Why can't all thread be created equal ? Thanks for trying to help. Oh, I did take off my little piece of batting in the shepherds hook. Glenda

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I have had this happen. Usually it's because there is a teeny, tiny bit of fluff or dander caught somewhere in the bobbin area. Try taking off your needleplate, shining a flashlight down in the hole and slowly turning the wheel to rotate the bobbin hook. There may be a tiny piece of thread caught somewhere.

Also try turning the bobbin the wrong way in the bobbin case. Don't ask me why this works, but sometimes it does.

Also, check to see if the needle is not too far up or down in the needle bar.

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