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April Moxie Meeting

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Oh my goodness what a wonderful wonderful day we had yesterday. Linda Rech's place is just awesome, we even got to see a duck in her pond and a strange looking beasty next door. We painted on fabric, paid a visit to Bayside Quilting, both shops, ate delicious food, visited with the best friends in the world, had show and tell and let me tell you it was as good as a quilt show. We have such awesome quilters in our APQS family. And Jim made us wonderful hats. We were quite the fashion statement with our matching caps and name tags. Olympia may never be the same again:D. Linda is just the greatest hostess and her Dennis is the most wonderful man. It was soooo wonderful to see everyone again and thank you for making my dear friend feel so welcome. She actually brought each of us a present which she remembered when we got out to eat dinner. Well I have mine and you all can have yours later. Pat please post your macaroon recipe and whomever made that delicious pudding stuff. MOXIES RULE

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Well I'm sorry that I had to miss the meeting. Sounds like you guys had a great time! I must say that I also had a blast yesterday. Who knew that 62 miles on a bike could be so much fun! I'm off to look for the next ride, something about a "Watermelon Ride", and then there's the "Peach of a Century". Why are they all food related?

My brother and I were talking about other types of rides to offer. They do winery tours and have a sag wagon to carry any bottles that you purchase. Since we were riding through the Willamette Valley, there were lots of farms growing hops for beer. He suggested a beer tasting ride. I thought that a quilting ride would be better, but he thinks that there would a limited market for that. How sad for the other bike riders in the world who don't realize what they are missing by not quilting!

Have a great day everyone!

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Someday I will learn to post all the pics in one msg however I have to get to other things. This was/ is wonderful, I love how supportive this group is. Jim thanks for the hats, Linda thanks for hosting, Nancy Jo and fellow nancy jo carpoolers thanks. OH, what you can learn on a lond car drive

Happy Monday


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Great fun yesterday everyone!!

Stats for the meeting--20 attendees.

Broken bones--0

Money spent at Bayside--$$$$$(I think it's a secret!:P)

Stained clothes from the fabric paint--two that I know of.

Number of people smashed into my studio--about 10 friendly quilters!

Outside temp--a balmy 65 so we were able to have show and tell on the deck! Great for photography.

Calories consumed--waaaaayyyy tooooo mannnyyy!


New MMQG hats given out--one each!! Jim--we love you and think you are the King of the Moxies!! Jim and Bev also gave out name tags to new members. You rock!

All-in-all, a "priceless" day.

Thank you all for coming and see you in Seaside in July!

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Yes - what a good day it was. Good friends, project to work on, food, and talked non-stop. And yes Melora, we just about covered all the topics that appeal to a car load of women!!! OK, nuff said before I get myself into trouble again.......

Thanks again to Linda R for a wonderful day. You are the bestest of hostesses

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Thank you sooooo much for the photos! I am really enjoying looking at them. I can't sew yet, but it looks like the foot surgery is going good. I was sooooo scared after the last trial of dr's.

I will be their in July!!! I will be looking to carpool, so lets stay in touch. I miss you all so much.

When is the raffle???? That quilt is gorgeous!

Thanks a ton,


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Brenda Lee we missed you and glad to her that your foot is healing. Look forward to seeing you in July.

BEth we missed you too but so glad you had a good fun day riding your bike. I am trying to decide if I want to invest in one. if I don't ride my stationary bike does that mean I wouldn't ride a real one:D

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I, too, want to thank Linda sooooo much for a wonderful day and way to go girl on ordering the great weather!!!

I just can't get over the talented folks out there and all so willing to offer help and suggestions. Can't wait til July when you all come here.

Now all I have to do it think of something spectacular to do, yikes. If anyone has a brainstorm let me know.

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Great pictures! I'm so looking forward to the July Moxie group. Lynda, Don't feel you have to compete with what's been done in the past. Just do what comes natural to you.

Show and Tell can take quite a chunk of time, as can "How would you quilt this?" Arrange a shop hop to your LQS, and plan plenty of food! What else do we need?

A walk on the beach?

A couple of "Here's my newest trick", and maybe a "make it and take it".

Sounds like a lot of fun! Thanks Melora for the pictures. Glad you all had a great time.

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I am back in Idaho and have to add my thanks to Linda :):):):). She and Dennis made us feel so welcome. Fabulous home and setting. No wonder she is always so calm. The painting was fun to watch. I have tons of pics so I'll post some as soon as I can find the cord to the camera. Boy, did we ever cover every single topic there was on the ride up and back. Some of them a couple of times. And Melora darlin, you know I am very envious of your micro-crap. I wish I could stitch that tiny and keep it consistent. It is an affectionate name for a process I have envy twangs about.

Hmmm. Lynda, maybe we could do something with sand, driftwood and shells. Doesn't necessarily have to be quilt related. Or, since you are the ribbon goddess of the group, teach us how you do it. Or, here's another thought. How bout a block challenge. Pick out a fabric that is easily available right now as the main fabric and we get to pair it with other fabrics. Choose the block design and everyone bring it to the next meeting. Pieced and quilted into a wallhanging. Ok. I am out of ideas. Anyone else????:P:P:P:P:D

Can't wait to see y'all in July.


P.S. Brenda and I are going to be doing some immersion dying, discharging and painting on silk this summer at her house in Oregon City. No date set but definitely when the weather is warm. If anyone wants to join us, let me know. I have TONS of powdered dye and we can have a lot of fun. I'll teach you if you don't know how.

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Nancy, I'd love to watch! One of my daughters was interested in dyeing and I'd love to be able to help her get started. let me know when you guys are planning to get together. My summer looks pretty simple so far--after the tenth of July.:D

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the drive up was a hoot. There was me, NancyJo,PattyJo,Jill and Melora. We laughed and got to know one another. It made a long trip a blast. The meeting was great. Linda is such a wonderful host. Cannot wait for the next meeting, it will be in Seaside Oregon. I'm planning on a whole weekend there with hubby. Thanks so much Linda...



Washougal Wa

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This was truly a wonderful event. For me it was like a Mini Vacatiopn.

Linda and Dennis have a wonderful place and they are Wonderful Hosts.

The food was great and as BEKAH says RECIPES PLEASE!

I see that Pat has posted the recipes for the Raisin bars and the Macroons. Thanks Pat.

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Brenda Lee & Nancy Jo - I would love to join you when you decide to have your fun day with all the dyes. Let me know and I'll bring some munchies or ???

Brenda - I hope that you are mending quickly. You were definately missed girl. Take care of yourself.

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Melora, you are so funny. You did fine. I have ZERO artistic ability, but I can dye. And discharge. And come up with cool tools to use to do fun things. And over- dye, and ,and ,and. I love doing my own fabric. We'll make sure we have a couple bolts of PDF white and Kona Black for dying and discharging. Maybe not all in one day. This may have to be a "new" Moxie group that meets a couple of times, but we'll have great fun with it.;););););)


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I'll add my thanks to Linda too! Thanks for making this new gal feel welcome and right at home.

I had a hard time getting names right....and when I realized there was a NancyJo and a PattiJo.....I was praying there wasn't another Jo because I don't think I could keep them all straight!;)

It was fun to get to know you all and talk to several of you about machine choices etc. Information I hope to use soon!

Jimmy made me a name tag! Thank you so much!


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Hi All-

Been a busy week, so I haven't posted or even read on the APQS site! Anyway, a great big thanks to Linda Rech for hosting us. The food was great, painting was a blast, and seeing all the talent in this group is so inspiring! Thanks to Jim for the cool MMQG hat -- that was so thoughtful!

I can't come to the meeting on the coast in July -- bummer! See you all next fall!

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