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Grandma's Dresses, finished!!

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I designed, peiced and quilted the entire quilt.

The blocks are my original design, the dresses were made from the clients grandmothers house dresses. Then I embellished them after they were applied to the block background.

I made stencils for the feathers (Judy Allen design) and marked them, used a ruler for the crosshatching. I do not have a computer regulated machine, the feathers and McTavishing (my first!)were done following the stencil (feathers) and freehand (McTavishing). The binding was applied on the quilting machine, turned and machine stitched from the front on my dsm.

This commissioned peice is a gift from the clients family (brother, sisters paid for it) to their mother. They are going to give it to her on mothers day. What a great gift! The label on back has photo of the the Mom and the Grandmother. My client has promised a photo when her mom opens the gift. I can't wait to see her reation!

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Thank you! I'm very proud of this peice. She let me note that I made in on the label too.

I want very much to claim my work and have it noted on each peice, but, I did one quilt that the client wouldn't allow me to have my name on it at all. How would you handle that situation? It sorta hurt my feelings, that was a good one too and I was proud of it. And I did all the work, the client only commissioned the quilt, didn't sew a stitch on it.

How would you feel in that situation?

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Kay, I am sorry you were not recognized for that one client's quilt. I can understand your disappointment. Perhaps, in the future, if you feel strongly that your name be on the label indicating you were the artist and did the work (and I agree that you should be) perhaps you should make this agreement with client prior to starting the project. I think 99% of clients would want to recognize you who did the project.

It takes so much time and thought to make a quilt from start to finish. Honestly, my heart would not be 100% into the project and I would not enjoy the process of completing the quilt it if I knew I would not be recognized for it on the label.

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Sorry Kay for the slight by your client--she wanted all the credit and I bet the recipient knows she did not make/quilt it.

If you design the quilt, there are copyright issues involved. Gently tell your client that you offer patterns for your quilt designs (even if you haven't reached that step yet!) and your name, the named of the pattern, date, and c-in-a-circle will be placed on the label to protect your intellectual property. This way as well, no one can copy your design from a photo and call it their own. Maybe name the pattern after the person who gives or receives the quilt to make your legal claim easier to accept. Like "Grandma Lou's Dresses".

If someone designed and built a beautiful cabinet from scratch using their own designs, you can bet their named will be on that piece somewhere! Same with a built-from-the-ground-up quilt!

Do you sell your patterns? You should--your fan club here is waiting!!:D

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What a good idea about Dad's shirts. I'll give it some thought. The pattern for Grandma's dresses is for sell, $10.00, send me a private e-mail if you are interested.

Hummmm, how to do the shirts........smokeing brain, buzzing......it's coming.....------Oh well, I'll ask God and have the answer in the morning. We like that game, my Father and I.

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Kay...I totally hear you. And I also agree that your name and efforts should have been on the quilt. I make labels with my embroidery machine.. not big ones and they can even be covered up by the owners label if she wants to but here is what I have done in the past...

Make the label...made by XYZ

Town, STate


They really are small only about 4 inches wide and 3 inches tall.

Then I finish off the edges and it is hand sewn to the back before the back is loaded (I measure where the top is going to be and the binding and try to get it as close to a corner as I can)...and then load the top...and batting, and when I quilt the quilting GOES right over the label...and it can't be taken off without taking out the quilting..... I know I'm bad...but its there in stone and they either cover it up or live with it.

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Sounds good to me Bonnie, I was so surprised by her request (I had put my usual stuff, name..etc in the e-mail for her to approve) and when she asked me to remove it I guess I was kinda in shock. Her reasoning was that it was to be a family heirloom and she didn't want my name associated with it at all. Go figure....just rubbed me the wrong way and still does.

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Your dresses quilt is wonderful. I love it!:). You did a remarkable job from the design to your quilting choices. I agree with others that your name should have been on the labell as the designer and quilter. That would in no way interfere with it's "heirloom" quality. I would be very upset too that you did not receive any mention. I'm not sure I would do another quilt for this client in the future.

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Originally posted by Kay Anderson

Her reasoning was that it was to be a family heirloom and she didn't want my name associated with it at all.

That's stupid in my opinion;)...Family Heirlooms are made by family not the next door neighbor....:o Her reasoning was way off, and she was/is going to pass it off as one of her own...or an great-Auntie's who left it to the family. She is wrong and I wouldn't give then a choice after this...its part of the package and you glue it down so its stays.;);)

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I agree with what everyone has said you should be recognised for your effort.

I have a friend who makes quilts on commission and she always signs her name in permanent ink on the edge of the quilt (bottom right hand corner on the back) and it is covered by the binding. If there is ever any dispute as to who made and designed the quilt a few unpicked stitches will solve that.

I love the dresses quilt, that must have been a lot of fun to make.

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