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Quilting a Baltimore Album Quilt

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Have any of you every quilted a Baltimore Album quilt? I have a customer that wants me to quilt her Houston 2010 show quilt! Yikes I hope I do it justice. I'm sure most of you know that I just love applique and I am very comfortable with this type of quilt. My question is how have you handled areas that are inked? I'm just in the research stage right now and trying to get as much input as I can. I think in the BAQ world the thought of machine quilting is still very voodoo so I alreayd know it will be quilted very traditionally. Feather's and lots of straight lines. Thanks for any advice and pictures would be icing on the cake!

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Heidi, there are always lots of machine quilted applique quilts at Houston. Linda Taylor and Cheri Meineke Jonson have something in every year and Cheri always does applique. And they ribbon a lot and get Judges or viewers choice, too. If it's for Houston jump in and go for it. Even if it is BAQ, traditional gets so boring on those and they end up all looking the same. Do some McTavishing or something interesting! Go for the ribbons, girl!

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Oh you guys are killing me! Thanks for the vote of confidence. I'm excited and nervous about this one. The owner has a shop and her own machine but says she doesn't have time to quilt her own! She has only seen my work online. I just love the BAQ quilts. They are stunning just pieced! I do need to find ideas on how to handle the inked areas so if any of you have done one please share!

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Here is the biggest problem. She doesn't want to wash it so marking is going to be a huge problem! I know I can use chalk but still. I just don't know how much detail I can get without being able to really mark it. The thought of using disappearing and not ever washing it out doesn't appeal to me either. I'm a firm believer that you have to get it out of the fibers. I'll be really thinking about that too!

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Without marking is going to be tough. Maybe just think center ... out. Use rulers for spines and just work with the outcome when patterns meet. You could baste the outline of the areas for guidelines and just go for it. Or you could just baste areas you want to do up and then just fill with the parallel lines. I'm sure whatever you come up with, it will be fabulous.

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I have some baltimore blocks that I made 7 or 8 years ago with alot of reds. I would worry about them bleeding. I think maybe it would be a good idea to soak them before they go into the quilt. Thanks for giving me the idea, better to find out now then once it is all quilted.

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