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MQS was a great show!!!

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Hi everyone! I sure have missed you here. I have been busy with classes, etc... on the run all day and no computer. No time to post news... sorry about that but it's been nothing but early get up and late fall into bed for me all week... I will get back to normal once I'm back home later next week. All of the quilts were amazing!! So many beautiful quilts and frankly and not enough ribbons to hang on them all.

I know that most of you are only interested in knowing who were the winners of prizes and ribbons, but if you ask me, anyone who entered a quilt is a winner. The judges said that this year was very very hard to judge because the creativity and the skill level of quilting only gets higher and the competition only gets more difficult to judge and decide between each year, and the judges had a very difficult time picking which quilt was more exquisite than the other next to it. Like you must pick between a bucket full of sparkling diamonds and trying to decide which one was more sparkly. I sure would not want that job to pick between all of these amazing works of art.

Congratulations to everyone... EVERYONE who entered a quilt into the show. You all are winners!!!!!!!! I am sure that you folks here have already learned who won the prizes and ribbons winners, (like Sherry Rogers Harrison, JoAnn Hoffman, Birgit Schueller, Claudia Pfiel, Marilyn Badger & Claudia Meyers, etc.. But ....... you probably never hear about what I refer to as"the other winners" -- you know--- those who won the invisible ribbons. And I must tell you that we had quite an impressive list of our APQS chat friends here who entered quilts at this show... and they are all BEAUTIFUL! THEY ARE ALL WINNERS!! Now, from memory, off the top of my head I will list these people (and I may forget some so forgive me if I missed your name):

APQS Chatters who entered quilts in this show:

Barb Mayfield -- The roses she quilted in the open blocks are BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!!

Debbi Treusch -- She's my idol; my dear friend, my mentor. Her quilts are amazing. I LOVE HER WORK!

Holly Cain - Gorgeous feathers and fillers!

Annette Valti - Miniature feathered star that was AWESOME

Linda Card - California poppies. Gorgeous

Laura Farnham - What she did with that gold thread in the butterflies and flowers...wowza and the quilting in the border. WOW!!

Janet Mitchell - Beautiful!

Heidi Merrill - Rose Parfait is an absolutely lovely quilt! Sweet!Yours is of my very favorites of all. :)

and me, Shana

Congratulations to everyone! All of the quilts were very beautiful!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am very proud to belong to this list of very talented quilters. :) Proud!!! We are all winners! Yeah! I Love you!! :)

Shana (who has had a non-stop-action-filled fun-days!)

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((((((((applause)))))))))) to everyone who entered! I've been there and I know that feeling. Invisible ribbons to all.

Maybe someone took pictures of all of them? Or when you return home and unpack you could post your own photo?

We're all so curious. We just want to rub shoulders in cyberspace and soak up some of that inspiration.:D

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Yes, Bonnie... I took photos of these beautiful quilts. I can't post them until next week when I get home. They are all so beautiful!!

Heidi, Jamie Wallen was standing next to me as I was admiring your quilt (I had a white glove) and he was oohing and ahhing all over your quilt, Heidi!! :)

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Oh my goodness Shana. I hope you didn't pay a thousand dollars for it!!! But for a jewel of a quilt, it's a treasure for sure. And it goes to a good cause.

Congratulations! That auction atmosphere, I have to sit on my hands and leave my check book at home!:P

We'll wait patiently for the photos.:)

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Ha! this auction quilt is a priceless treasure to me! I cannot place a value on it. Priceless. Gorgeous!

And yes, proceeds from the auction are a donation to a good cause to promote, support and fund our quilting industry's education for quilters who wish to apply for an educational grant.

Thank you, dear Birgit, for your time and effort and generosity to donate you beautiful auction quilt so that mere mortal quilters such as myself can bid on and maybe perhaps, yes, dreams come true and yes, mere mortal quilters like myself can actually bid on and win exqusite works of art that are crafted by the very talented quilting gods and goddesses. ;) And, yes, Birgit is a goddess of quilting. She is a rising super star in the quilting world. Her quilts (and wearable outfit - which also won numerous awards) are amazingly beautiful.

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Shana - Your enthusiasm is infectious...Can't wait to see all your pics. We will keep you busy getting them all on the post for us. Thank you for the blow by blow of your time there. I feel like I went on a very short trip thru the show. thanks:D

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Originally posted by CWBowser

You are so lucky, way to go Shana. Also congratulation on your teacher ribbon. That must be such a rush too.


Did I miss something? Shana, did you get a teacher ribbon? WOW Congratulations! Way to go! Who was the teacher?

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Originally posted by quiltmonkey

Heidi, Jamie Wallen was standing next to me as I was admiring your quilt (I had a white glove) and he was oohing and ahhing all over your quilt, Heidi!! :)


You are so kind and thank you! Just love Jamie, he is a real gem and to have him to even think about oohing and ahhing all over my quilt just made my day! He is so talented and I can't wait to get my hands on his new dvd set which I hear is spectacular!

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It hasn't been released yet. I know a few that have previewed it and said it was fantastic. His Cotton Tracks DVD workbook set is my absolute favorite and so worth it! He has been telling me about this one since last year and I hear it is going to be up to 4 dvds!!!!!! I'll be sure and let you all know when it is ready!

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OK, I took photos of all these people's quilts, but for some reason I am missing a few. My camera battery was going dead during one point and perhaps they didn't get saved to the memory card. Sorry about that! But here are most of them...


APQS Chatters who entered quilts in this show:

Barb Mayfield -- The roses she quilted in the open blocks are BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!!

Debbi Treusch -- She's my idol; my dear friend, my mentor. Her quilts are amazing. I LOVE HER WORK!

Holly Cain - Gorgeous feathers and fillers!

Annette Valti - Miniature feathered star that was AWESOME

Linda Card - California poppies. Gorgeous

Laura Farnham - What she did with that gold thread in the butterflies and flowers...wowza and the quilting in the border. WOW!!

Janet Mitchell - Beautiful!

Heidi Merrill - Rose Parfait is an absolutely lovely quilt! Sweet!Yours is of my very favorites of all.

and me, Shana

Barb Mayfield's quilt:


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