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The Newest Member of my Family

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Look what I bought last night!! Isn't she beautiful?? Okay, so the picture isn't so great, you'll just have to trust me...she is gorgeous!!:D

The decals are perfect, one tiny chip on the light cover, I have the case and the original foot pedal, two bobbins, the bobbin case and the original book!

The sad part...she's considered an antique and she's a year younger than me! So...what does that say about me??:o:D


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Hi Abigail...oh, yes..she'll definitely be used!! I can't wait to try her out!!

Holly, what accessories, if any, do you have for your FW? I'm thinking there must not be much needed--a few extra bobbins and needles and I should be good to go...right??

And Laura...you've never met me have you:P:P But thanks for the lovely compliment; I'm going to do my best to earn it...for at least the next five minutes:D:P:D;);)

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I have not used the Singer 99. It need to be cleaned thoroughly and a base made for it. Then, maybe someday I will sew on it. It is a crinkle.

I have a crinkle blackside Singer 128 that I have used.

3 Featherweights, 1 tan, 2 white, although on eof the white has been stripped and is waiting to have a facelift.

I also have a Singer 500 Rockateer that I started with years ago. Vintage machines are another passion of mine. I lve them. Crinkles and blacksides are my addiction though. Now to find a crinkle featherweight! Oh, if only I had too much money, what would I buy?

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I've wanted a Featherweight since last September and think I did very well waiting this long!

Ha, ha MB...I don't reach the half century mark until NEXT year...not far into it (less than two weeks, to be exact)...but its still NEXT year!!:P

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Congrats on your friend.....you will find you will sew on this lovely as much as you do your more modern one...in fact I have my 301 step in the kitchen so when I sew at night its on that one...basement sewing is on another one of many.....

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You will love the featherweight. The "Little Foot", I think it is called, is a quarter inch foot that will fit the featherweight. You will need a "low shank" one. It is at Clotilde for $23.45. You can go to clotilde.com. It is see through plastic and it has quarter inch marks so you can stop within a quarter inch from an edge.

If you had extra room in your sewing studio you might want to start looking for the featherweight table. It has a cut out for the featherweight to sit down in and it is the size of a card table.


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I didn't know they made an actual Featherweight table....now you've got me interested. I'm going to start looking for one of those...that would be great!! This one actually came with a Little Foot...so I'm good there; although I do prefer the 1/4" feet with the little metal shank on the side.

Off to look for a table.....:)

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Congratulations on your featherweight. I have 3 of them. I also have the table. It is a delight to sew on. I love that I can have over a friend and we can both sew at the same time. The table gives you plenty of room plus it folds away easily. I bought mine, all 3 and table, from e-bay. I know someone is making replica tables if you can't find an original. I think they are about the same price so I would look for an old,oops, vintage one.;) Anyway, these little machines are little workhorses. You might want to get a book called, "Featherweight 221 The Perfect Portable" by Nancy Johnson-Sebro. You can also order bobbins on line. Enjoy her. No telling what she helped sew in the past.

Have a great day,


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Wow, thanks guys!! You're awesome! I'm going to check out that website now and probably get that book as well.

I did find a table on E-Bay that was really pretty...and it was only $1600!:o I probably won't be buying that one.;)

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