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Help please, I'm stuck

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A few months ago I started this quilt (yes, I'm slow)2901873950103540935S425x425Q85.jpg

This is what I've got in the blocks and now I'm stuck on the sashings.




I'm going to piano key the outer border up to the blocks.

I've considered doing diamonds in the sashings but I don't know if that will make it too harsh. I've gotten pretty good with rulers so that's why I'm thinking diamonds. I was also considering a heart design but I don't know if I'm good enough to pull it off.

Any ideas are very welcome. I want to show it at the guild meeting on Thursday. I'm hoping to drum up some business so I'm trying to make it the best I can.

Thanks for looking.

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Originally posted by susanramey

I like what Theresa suggested. But how do you quilt that design? Do you use a round ruler?

Susan if you don't work with rulers, there are also several companies out there that have this in a stencil that you can draw and then follow the lines.

Coleen, I too think that would be a perfect design for the sashings, but also whatever you do will be fine...its a pretty quilt.

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I must really be the slowest thing on earth.....each row bottom sashing and sides is taking me 3 hours. I wanted to have it done by today but that isn't happening. I'm doing it with a ruler but of course if the diamonds don't line up (if they are really bad) they have to come out.

I'm just disappointed, discouraged and venting....Just ignore me. I just don't feel like I'll ever get any business. It takes me forever to get one quilt done.


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Ah Coleen I hear you and you cannot possibly be any slower than me. I get discouraged too and have to really talk to myself to keep going. Some days it takes me longer to load a quilt than it does to quilt it.

Just hang in there and your business will come because you are doing a wonderful job.

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Coleen this is going to sound stupid and dump, but when I stopped striving for perfection, my lines got straighter and my stencil work became more relaxed and it didn't look bad either.

When I was trying so hard for a perfect line, when I was following stencils lines, it would get wonky and wobbly and then it looked like crap so I would stop and tear it out and then go again. I to was taking me hours to finish a project, but when I just threw my hands up in the air and say to H*LL with it, they will either like it or I will close my doors.... things got better and I wasn't as stressed.

Maybe you need to do like I did...stop beating yourself up, stop trying to be perfect, and relax a bit, and the lines will smooth out for you.:P;):cool:

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