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Kudos to this Forum!

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You guys are so great. You can lift the spirits of a depressed quilter!!

I have had a bad week. It started with finishing a quilt, only to find that I put the back on wrong side out :mad:. Imagine my surprise, when I saw that backing seam on the outside!! Then on my next quilt, I tried my hand at echo quilting - troublesome, so I used a ruler which jammed my machine and caused a fuse to blow. Of course, I've had my machine since March, so I didn't know a fuse was blown and that in Canada, there is more than 1 fuse to look for -- until I read the wonderful posts on this forum, whew! Thanks to you guys I'm still sane! I just figured I broke my Millie. This caused at least 1 sleepless night. After replacing the fuse the next day I continued to work on the echo quilting, turning out terrible of course! Well, when I was 1/2 way done and looked at the back, I noticed the most terrible pokies I have ever seen. I put in a post about that and received some wonderful advice that worked out well and a big lesson learned for me.

Anyway, I don't want to complain (look at my pic, I'm am so happy to be doing what I'm doing - I just love it and figure every mistake it just a lesson learned). I just wanted everyone to know how much I appreciate this forum and the wonderful advice I get from it. I don't think you all know how many of us there are (I'm guessing there are others like me) who read all the posts and benefit from abundant guidance, but are unable to return it. I hope some day I will be able to return it. Thank you!

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I feel your pain Caroline. One time......and one time only......I also put a backing on upside down. There was NO WAY I was going to frog that entire quilt. What I did was....after being sick with guilt......undo the seam, repress it then hand sew it. Took a long time but a lot less time than if I had frogged the whole thing.

And I agree, this is an awesome site.

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Wow, Sharon - That's a great idea! I actually created a tube out of the same backing material ( there was extra ) and sewed it over the backing seam by hand. However, your idea seems much better. I did talk to my customer and she laughed! She's so great. She said this is for a child who would never know the difference and that I shouldn't fret about it. How great is that?

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I think we've all had weeks like that! This week I had a customer quilt and was trying to get it loaded. Of course I should know by now not to allow interruptions. Well first I put the zippers on the backer. Got the first zipper on only to discover that it was on wrong. Took that off and redid it. Finally got the backer loaded and was so pleased it loaded so easily. I had loaded the top already on the roller so I just wanted to test to make sure it all centered right before I put the batting on. Well the backer was too short...I had loaded the quilt top on lengthwise instead of widthwise :mad::mad::mad:. Took it off and reattached it to the zipper, triple checking to make sure I had it right this time. Got it zipped on and rolled up and yes this time I had the expected 4" on each side. Gave up for the night and went back at it the next night. Got my batting cut to size and layed it on. Ran my basting across the top and then went to add the topper. Problem the top was stiched down under my batting :mad::mad::mad::mad:! Frogged it and finally got it loaded nad ready to go. Started stitching and got interrupted again. Started quilting again and discovered I was backtracking over what was already stitched :mad::mad::mad: Frogged some more. I've had that happen 3 times now. I'm thankfully 1/2 done with this quilt now and can't wait to be done.

My sanity was coming to this board afterward reading the humorous posts and seeing that I was not the only one having a bad week! I love this forum. :P:P:P

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Heidi, that sounds like something Shana would do... I can't believe all of this happened to you in one week with one quilt?? I am shocked :o and I am :P giggling at the same time. :P Is that possible??? And, on adding insult to injury, you were going through year-end hell (closing the books) at work. SHeesh. Poor girl. Hopefully you got all of that bad kharma out of your system and won't have stuff like this happen for another year... Me? My luck, I'd probably do it again on the next quilt I load.

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Caroline and Heidi, I feel for both of you. I haven't done any of this...yet! But I am sure as hectic as things get here...it is bound to happen.

I am trying to help my son finish his quilt tonight, load another in the morning for a friend who was injured in a hit-n-run (he was a pedestrian, struck by a car), then load my daughter's quilt and have her finish it all before next Thursday. Did I mention that I still have to do bindings on these 3 quilts?! Let's just say, that if everything goes smoothly, it will be a miracle!

I am feeling the stress of it all.

I am going to try to remember not to load the backing upside down, or to have the seam run the wrong way...oh no, what was I not supposed to do. MEMORY is walking away. HELP!!!!:D

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OK. I must add to this week's pain! My mother-in-law ( I guess there is a short form for that), asked me to produce a quilt label for a wedding gift, which I used to be able to do quite easily with my embroidery machine (PFAFF). It is so long ago now (3 years) since I've done one that I couldn't even remember how to do it. Tried for about 3 hours, then gave up. Thankfully I have some 'made by Caroline' pre-printed labels to use, but 3 years ago I was making beautiful labels.

I think my particular statement this time, falls better under the post 'Has anyone seen memory' which came up just recently. My solution is perfect though... threw everything into a box - Anybody want to buy a PFAFF 7050 embroidery unit?

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Heidi, no way would I want your week, but mine is ending like hell warm ed over.

from nearly killing the dog to forgetting to double check the table runner size, so I could hem it. Remembered about 10:30 P.M., too late to call any of the girls to ask,

Oh well you get the idea, then when we brought the 4 legged kid home, collar and ivpick firmly in place, AND a bill for almost $400. anyone have a big fund for paying Vet bills for old, fat, wrinkled and depressed Old Farts?

Never use a product on a cat or dog that has a product called, "PERMETHRIN".


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I'm not sure if this situtation fits in this catagory but a friend of mine is in the hospital very very depressed. She lost one leg a couple years ago and believe it or not while using her electric wheel chair in her home she ran over her cats tail and he bit her. I believe she is probably worried about her cat more than herself. What a terrible situttion. Please pray for Pat. thanks

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Oh Caroline and Heidi, I have tears of pain and laughter in my eyes. I have not experienced your particular problems, but I had to add 2" to a backing because I loaded the backing wrong, thankfully there was enough on the side to cut off and I used zippers, and have had a couple of sleepless nights because of customer Quilts and or machine problems. I totally am with you and applaud all the wonderful support and friendship found here. There is never a question unanswered.

Thank you all

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Originally posted by quiltmonkey

Heidi, that sounds like something Shana would do... I can't believe all of this happened to you in one week with one quilt?? I am shocked :o and I am :P giggling at the same time. :P Is that possible??? And, on adding insult to injury, you were going through year-end hell (closing the books) at work. SHeesh. Poor girl. Hopefully you got all of that bad kharma out of your system and won't have stuff like this happen for another year... Me? My luck, I'd probably do it again on the next quilt I load.


I'm so happy to hear that I'm providing humor. Here's one for you this should make you fall over laughing! Yes I am in year end hell, not to mention that my boss has been on over-drive as he is now the director of two centers. We call him the energizer bunny on steroids! He got nasty with me on Tues. over something that had nothing to do with me and I was very close to walking out. I know he was just stressed but really I was in no mood. Anyway fast forward to Friday am, early like 6:00 or so. All of a sudden I wake up from a dead sleep. My funds are on my mind and something is telling me to take a look. Being the one to never ignore the inner voice I got right up and turned on the computer. I ran my report and saw that I had about $15,000 of funds left and when that posted I would be right about where I thought I should be. That was of course until I realized it was only the 26th and on the 30th the last payroll would post. I was now going to be way off, probably around $100,000!!!! Panic for sure. My stomach lurched and I fought staying calm. I couldn't see detail in the area I was at so I had to run more reports. Checked the labor report and no labor posted for June 30th, crap (insert a different 4 letter word). I go into another finance form to see if it matches. It is now 6:30 am and nobody due at work for 1 1/2 hours! Let's just say my body was going into some sort of revolt. How in the heck was I so far off? I kept looking and finally found what I was lookingg for, payroll posted on the 25th! Next ran the labor detail report again and it must have refreshed between my first run and now this one because now the payroll was showing that they posted June 30th early! In the middle of my frantic search I had sent an email to the gal in charge of payroll telling her to call me immediately. She finally called me at 8:30 or 9 and I told her she owed me 20 years of my life! Oh my was yesterday a day. I'm happy to say that my books seem to be exactly where I thought they would be and we are right now track. I'm hoping to finalize things on Monday and then I'm taking 1/2 day on Monday & Tuesday! My quilt is about 1/2 done now so hoping to get that done today. Then I think I'll find something fun to do just for me!

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