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Millie delivered!!!

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After a long odyssey and shipping chaos my Millenium has just arrived an hour ago!! :):D:)

She should be delivered last Monday but I got only five of the seven boxes. The missing boxes were shipped to Great Britain ...

So after the journey all parts of the machine are now with me and I can't wait to put it up ... but unfortunately I have to wait until Thursday or Friday, can't change the appointments for today and tomorrow, or can I ? ;)

I'm looking almost everyday into the forum and I'm thrilled by it. So many talented girls (and a few men ;) ) and so many tipps, advices and wonderful quilts ... I'm really happy to become a longarm quilter now, just can't wait to ppp.

Only the oppurtunities to find accessories in Germany doesn't look good. I think I have to do a trip to the USA with an empty suitcase ... :D

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At last congratulations on the safe arrival of your Millie. I bet you wish it was Thursday.

I am sure you are going to have many happy hours with your machine. Kath and I are still waiting for ours to arrive. I have pre-warned work that no matter what is happening I won't be in for a day or several once Lenni arrives:D:D:D

We are the same in the UK not many opportunities to buy accessories. I am hoping that there might be some available at FOQ as I am going this year.



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Congratulations Kerstin!

Unfortunately the shipping company seems to get it wrong more often than right!

From what I know it's not unusual for parts of your machine to end up in another country or at least on the other side of the country! Ask me how I know?

I think APQS need to take a good look at the way boxes are labelled & shipped & the companies that they use, because it's not good enough!!!

Hope you love & enjoy your new baby

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Congratulations Kerstin. I bet you are really happy to have now recieved all the parts of yor Millie. I sure hope Thursday will come round quick for you. I would have a hard job not ripping into the boxes:P:P:P

I sure hope Tracy and my Lenni's do not end up anywhere else. It will be 7 weeks on Friday since I ordered, and I am getting a little irratable waiting for it now.:D:D:D

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Congratulations are the arrival of your new "Baby":D Save your pennies and come to KC next year for MQS. There are lots of wonderful classes and (more importantly) many vendors. :D:D:D. Oh, and do bring an empty suitcase!!! Have fun on Thursday. She really isn't hard to put together.

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So hard to believe that in this day and age that it takes so long for people in other countries to receive their shipments. I also don't understand that with all the LA's in Europe, the UK and Australia that there hasn't been someone set up as a distributor of quilting needs. Sounds like an opportunity for someone to set up a pretty good business! I used to get impatient at waiting for stuff to get here from the U.S. and then was told by someone that the hold-up was probably not crossing the border, but sitting at customs on my side of the border....go figure!!!

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Congratulations! At least it is finally there and you will have so much fun.

When I got my first Freedom in 2007 the forgot to ship the carriage wheels, I had to wait another 2 weeks before they arrived. They had me in tears before I even made the first stitch. I am still waiting for the "apology package of goodies" Bob said he would sent out for my trouble.

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After your appointments sit down and watch the DVD that comes with the machine. It will give you an idea about getting started. The manual is excellent for putting the millie together. Great pictures too. Good luck and have fun.


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Thank you for your assurance that the machine is built up easy. I was a little worried about it but now I hope it will be done on Thursday afternoon.

SandraC, yes I think also it would be a good idea to start a business as a longarm accessories distributor in Europe. In Germany there is at least a Quiltshop which sells Superior Threads. I had the idea as well but can't do it by myself now ... but who knows what happens in three or five years ;)

I will start right now to "save my pennies" for a trip to Kansas (with a lot of empty luggage :D )

Kath, Tracy I keep my fingers crossed that your Lennis will arrive really soon!

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