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nqr - prayer request

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I Just talked to Patty on the phone. Oh my goodness, she is not having a good day. She is still on IV, more tests today and tomorrow. The doctor thinks they may have to remove the pacemaker. NOT GOOD. and she still has some infection in her body that they haven't found the source. The have some infectious disease specialist attending her case. She is miserable. This lady is used to doing anything she wants to do--she is not one to sit still and do nothing. Just lying in bed with tubes and wires all over her body is not her idea of a good day. That's the ugly picture.

Her sister and BIL have been great to be there and ask questions, her DH is home and is there for support, and her DD and SIL will arrive tomorrow. Her son is a smoke jumper and fighting fires somewhere in the NW--he may not be able to get here as fast. So, the troops are gathering and I'll bet we'll have answers before the weekend. Otherwise, I'm taking my turn and going up there to stir up some action, and we have many more extended family members who are willing to stand by her side.

I really appreciate your vigilance and prayers. I feel like you are holding my hand through this and I'm comforted.

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The story today, Friday, is that she has a staph infection, don't know the source. Doctors are having a "meeting" and will decide about the pacemaker. Family is all together, even Robbie. Pray for her comfort and excellent prognosis.

Thanks all of you a whole big bunch for prayers and good thoughts and hugs and just being there. We just may see a light at the end of the tunnel. I just hope that the weekend will sail smoothly and she'll be home next week.

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My prayers and thoughts are with you, your family and Patti, that she will be well again very quickly.

I pray that the Doctors will be able to fine an answer very soon and I pray for the strength mentally and physically for her to come though this ordeal strong.

I is such a horrible feeling to have one of our loved ones ill and we can't help them.

Many (((((((((((((hugs))))))))))))).

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No good news. Today is the day they will make the decisions that will affect her outcome. I'm praying and standing in the wings waiting to hear from family. Another complication to the scenario: Patty's husband, Jim, is going in for surgery on Sept. 22nd. I may be away from the forum for a while. This is going to take a couple of weeks to resolve. I REALLY appreciate your prayers, good thoughts, and encouragement. AND I will pass it on to Patty and Jim and the family.

Thank you all, and God bless you!

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