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railroad tracksFIGURED OUT

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Hi all! I know there has been post on here about railroad tracks on the back, but I don't have time to look it up...Can I get some help? I really didn't know what you all meant by that until this afternoon!! I just rolled my quilt, and I see them!!! AAAGGHH!! What is causing this???! I am working on a scrap piece on the side as I wait for some answers. I am using sew fine on top and bob's prewounds on the bottom. Never had a problem with this combination before....thanks!! linda

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Problems can be caused by a number of things; easiest ones to check are tension and sewing speed. Often, if you go too fast around circles, you'll get the tracks.

You might go back and start from the beginning, check thread path (or just re-thread), then practice; change to another bobbin and re-check bobbin tension; check your top tension...it might be too loose.

Just some basics for you to think about...good luck!

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I would bet that something changed in your tension. More than likely it is your upper tension. Check thread path, perhaps the thread pull out of the tension disk or slipped off that little L bar. If your railroad tracks are on the back then the top is too loose or your botttom is pulling to tight. If all is well with the world up top check your bobbin, case and such.

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Hi Linda

Check your top tension first. If you rub your fingernail over the top stitches and you can feel them on top of the fabric or move the thread, its too loose.

If not check your bobbin tension. Hold the bobbin in one hand and the thread coming out of it in the other and then take your hand away from the bobbin case and the weight of the bobbins should make it drop if you give it a little jiggle. if it doesn't drop the bobbin tension is too tight.

sue in australia

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Hi all! Thank you for your time and input....NOTHING seems to change these stupid railroad tracks! I have changed my needle, tightened my upper tension..... allot! and messed with tightning and loosening my bobbin tension. This is a quilt I THOUGHT I was going to get done in about 3 hours.... NOT! Maybe I will try to chang to a metal bobbin...see if that makes a difference, but I don't have the color that is on the prewounds. I am trying to decide whether to take out all the quilting I have done so far or not. Or just lower my price for her. errr!!! :(

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WELL,, I got it figured out!!! BROTHER!! The little springy thing in the bobbin case was loose. It was not in it's little wedgey holes........ 2 HOURS!!!! agh!!! I never wanted to know how to skin a quilt, but I guess I'll learn how tonight.....:(:( Thanks everyone!!! linda

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Another thing to check is the height of your hopping foot. I was having trouble with flatlining and eyelashes around small curves. Nothing helped until I read a post of Dawn's on this forum about the height of your hopping foot.

After 12 years of longarming, of COURSE I knew my hopping foot was at the right height!! I checked anyway, and lo and behold I couldn't even get a single thickness business card under it!

Raised the foot to the correct height and tension is once again perfect! Still haven't figured out how the foot got so low, but it did. That would now be the FIRST thing I checked if my back tension was off again.

SO many solutions; so little time! :cool:

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Yeah, I can tell you are cranky.

Hey, are you frogging from the top or the back of the quilt? If you have railroad tracks on back, frog from the back. You can rip RR tracks really quick using a dental hook. Just give a good yank and you can take big chunks out at one fell swoop of the dental hook. Ask my why I know this! :)

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Hi shana and heidi!! I'm at work right now, so no frogging till I get home this afternoon....I have allot of it to do yet. And yes, I am doing it from the back ,It is going a little faster than what I was doing at first. It is stippled, so lots of stitches! :( So much for my 3 hour quilt~ I am afraid of the "skinning..." my stitches are just too close.

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Whew!!! I have it all frogged!! When I got home from work, I stated picking....Then I thought, there HAS to be a better and faster way to do this!! So , I looke up the post on here about skinning.... Read thru some and thought., I MIGHT be able to do this. I aready had my quilt off the fram. I have a really small rotary cutter, so I thought I would try that .... IT WORKRD! And I didn't cut the batting or the backing!! Both are OK!! I just threw them into the dryer with a few wet towels to help get the extra threads off!! AAHHH !! It feels good to have that done!! Now, tomorrow, I can quilt it and you can bet that I will be checking the bobbin case with each new bobbin! Thank you all for your help !! I really do appreciate it!! linda

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