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I arrived in Australia.......

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Hello and ((((big Texas hugs)))) to all of our quilty Sisters Down Under! I am so excited to see all of you at last! I feel so close to each of that seeing your pictures all together and having fun is like looking at pics of a family reunion that I had to miss. I'm so glad that you are all together in one place, having fun, learning together, helping each other, and with Sue and Claudia there to teach, mentor and shepherd you all! How cool is that! Now hurry, Satu! I need more pics!!

Lovin' my freinds in Oz!!

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Hi everyone! Another fantastic day of classes, Claudia is such a brilliant teacher, so sharing of her knowledge and skills and it just seems to make so much more sense when she explains tihngs :)

And Sue is such a lovely host of course, and such a great lot of ladies in the classes, it is so lovely to arrive at the class and feel so welcomed and at home, and we have so much fun, we have ALOT of laughs let me tell you!

Today was Pfun Pfeiling Pfeathers, and the results were amazing, everyone's work was beautiful and everyone that was there today should be very proud of their little sampler!

Now I have to wait until Wedesday for my next class, how will I last that long? LOL!

Photos to come soon hopefully!


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What a day!

We are soooo lucky to have a fantastic teacher like Claudia & a great host like Sue :)

Today was wonderful & we learnt so much. I can hardly wait to go home & load my Lenni with practice fabric. I now know that if I PPP I can do anything. I feel much more comfortable at the front of the machine & know it can only get easier.

Looking forward to next Wednesday.....


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Wow!!! another pfab day ....... sooooo tired....... I close my eyes and see beautiful pfeathers, lots and lots of them. Thanks very much Claudia, I've come away with so much. Thanks Sue for everything :)


Welcome Chrisee! you are in for a treat :D Claudia is brilliant!

Lovely to have another Aussie member on the forum.

There are lots of Aussie lurkers I've learnt..........Time to come out and say Hi......go on.....you know you want to ..... I dare you.......:P :P :P

cheers and a good night to all.

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Oh this is so fun reading about the adventures you are having with Claudia. I've met her twice (at MQS) and she is the most genuine person; a good soul she is! :)

Originally posted by matildanme

.........Lovely to have another Aussie member on the forum.

There are lots of Aussie lurkers I've learnt..........Time to come out and say Hi......go on.....you know you want to ..... I dare you.......:P :P :P

Yes, please pop your faces in here and say hello. The more the merrier.

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My 'puter is having some issues. (I think I'm having one of 'those' weeks.... ) I've been trying to get some photos to Susan and it's not happening....sorry..... will keep trying. Maybe the lovely Jenny will pop some on if she can tear herself away from her Lenni? I wonder if she got any sleep?

Have a wonderful day off Claudia

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Ok...you won't believe this but in all the excitement of yesterday afternoon (& maybe a wine or two)

I left my camera at Sue's house so I won't have it till Wednesday:(

We ended up leaving for home today so I haven't even unpacked yet & i haven't been in to see Lenni. But... I have had time to admire

the work I did over the past few days....& I have come a LONG way:cool:

It has been nice to meet new friends & share ideas & I am looking forward to Wednesday for some more Pfun!

Satu, I want to see your avatar up ASAP. BTW I hope your tyre is ok..will call you after Wednesday for a chat


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evening all,

I'm feeling much better and my car has a lovely new tyre :P Did I mention the the microwave died aswell? It's all happening here folks lol

I've managed to send Susan more photos in between ppp

I've turned off the stitch regulator and I'm having a ball :P my only concern is that my stitches are a tad long. Matilda's sewing as fast as she can so I guess I'll have to slow down unless the machine can be adjusted to sew faster? Must talk to Sue some more.

How long is the longest acceptable stitch anyhow?

talk soon Jen, Enjoy your Lenni


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Finally done it. Registered and logged in and finally found where everything is posted. And yes Jenny you will know who this is. Having an absolutely fantastic, wonderful, amazing time with Claudia didn't know I was capable of doing so much and the mind is still going 100 miles and hour. And no Jenny I haven't started the computer program yet. Its 10.45 and I'm going to try and get some sleep so I will be bright and cheery for another day with Claudia. Can't wait. Cheers. Dorothy.

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Well another fantastic class with Claudia, today we designed our own wholecloth quilts using her huge collection of stencils. Yes I know, just the thought of a wholecloth sounds SCARY! But it wasn't scary at all, it was heaps of fun and I can't wait to get started quilting mine, have my Vic Textiles order for matching thread here ready to fax off in the morning, hubby is all lined up to pick up my order tomorrow (hope they have it in stock!), so I will be right to quilt all weekend - bliss!!

I can't wait to see what they get up to in tomorrows thread painting class, someone will have to send me some photos please as I won't be there (boo hoo sob cry!), it will be a fantastic class I reckon!

My brain is soooo tired now, I have been cramming for my uni exam tomorrow (on web design so at least it is something I really enjoy!) ever since I got back from Sue's house, I am not going to retain anything more so time for bed! I will post lots of photos tomorrow afternoon after my exam is over, I'll be done and home before lunch time I hope! :)


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Hi Dorothy

Glad you got home OK, there was an accident on Thompson Road just after you left us and I was relieved to hear it involved a truck, a boat and two small cars so I knew it wasn't you!

I went to bed really early last night, my brain was full.

I'm looking forward to thread painting today and hope to finish marking the background of my wholecloth.

Susan, we'll miss you today - good luck with your exam - I'm sure you will pass with flying colours and will become a fantastic web designer as you are a quilter.

Sue in australia (screw)

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OK now this one is really embarassing, you have to promise not to laugh!

This is my feathers before and after shot, the left hand side was done a couple of months ago before I got my Pfun Pfailing Pfeathers DVD, the second was done (by me!) in class with Claudia!

Can you believe the difference? I am still amazed, I have it hanging over my machine and every time I walk past I can't help but smile and think "I didn that!".


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Well hat can l say about Claudia's thread class . I loved it and found something l like even more than just quilting. It was fantastic Thankyou sooo much Claudia. I have all these designs swirling around in my head and cant wait to get home tomorro to have a play on my Millie. I also like using the Millie without the Stitch Regulator which is something that l have not done before., after l got over the initial fear and started breathing it was great and something l will be doing lots of in future.

I will have a try at posting some pctures when l get home.

And YES l am posting Claudia. I am a lurker and Claudia told me l had to get on here and post.

Thankyou Claudia , you are a lovely person and a great teacher.

Seeya next Tuesday


Redgate Quilting


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