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It's working for me!

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Alright, I admit, I'm a new Lenni owner and wanted to use inexpensive thread to play and practice. I even bought Signature thread that others seem to like. I gave up and before I shouted out to all you guys for ideas...I gave in and put the So Fine in just to see and oh my... A WORLD OF DIFFERENCE! It's perfect and my machine absolutely loves it! So, gotta order me some quick...have a xmas present to do and it will be my first "real" quilt on the frame. Scared..but will conquer!

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Hope it's going well on your new Lenni - mine is being shipped tomorrow so I will be a newbi too very soon !! I have got some so fine threads ready to start the learning curve as I have read such good things about them.

How are you finding it so far?


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So Fine is my favorite also. I go to that one first when I am trying to find the right thread for a quilt. Right now I am trying Lava and not having a bit of trouble form it, so it is going on the good list. My quilting is so "traditional" that I have not quilted with Rainbows much, I love the colors, and I'm getting ready to start using it on my 2010 MQS quilt - pray for me ;) I agree with Heidi, Signature is great when you need to use cotton. I hate King Tut....I have no patience.

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