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OMG I am so slow!

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Anyone recall me asking about if I should spring for the $500 setup fee? LOL THREE days later, I think it's all set up. The hydraulic lift took forever. The rest was easy enough, but I guess DH and I are slower than molasses!

I've yet to load anything up and give her a practice whirl but I know we'll spend at least another day adjusting the wheels to get it right, I can feel just swirling the machine around on its own that it has "bobbles" in the movement.

I attached the Quiltazoid this afternoon and did a dry run with some circles, eep! Definitely needs some adjustment somewhere, had I stitched those circles out it would have looked like Frankenstein drew them! :P

I have to confess to casting quite a few longing glances at my HQ16, she's so easy to operate, and the Millennium seems like it has so much more to deal with. I've no doubt I'll get used to it, and we'll get the wheels adjusted so there is no wobble.

I'll be back in a month.... LOLOLOL

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It took my husband about (2) days to do Miss Doodles(Milli).

We just took our time. We fooled around with the height for the next couple of days. To high, to low. You know how it goes. After a break I decided I wanted the "Edgerider wheels". The wheels took another 5 hours. I love my wheels I really do. Now Miss Doodles is on her way back to Iowa because she is sick. Taking

her of the frame, boxing her up carefully took another 2 hours.

So you see it took us hours too. But let me tell you, after it was all done she was perfect. It's an awesome machine and I have

no experience. Not like you do. You are going to rock and roll

on that Milli of yours. You will see. Good luck............

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I know I am going to love, hubby and I were amazed at how heavy the frame and carriage were! It took awhile to get the HQ frame tweaked so everything worked smoothly... of course now we've moved it and it needs re-tweaking!

I was curious, the leaders aren't hemmed. Do ya'll hem yours? I made the leaders for my HQ and hemmed them.

Oh... for some reason I thought the turbo bobbin winder was mounted to the Millennium, but I guess it's not unless I overlooked something?

I can't wait til tomorrow. I'm going to load up a fabric sample and play, woohoo!

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Hi CJ. I put my machine together all by myself (except for lifting the heavy black rollers--and putting the head on the carriage--I had my DH help with that) and I learned so much and it took me two days to do it. I took my time. You will be glad you are taking the time up front now to get that table nice and level and then the carriage nice and level for your wheels. This is 90% of the battle. If you can get those things level, it's a picnic after this. You are going to love it.

Have fun!!!!! :)

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And just to add to what Shana said, use a small level (no longer than about 5") to level the machine. Move it around all over the place. A larger level can 'span' the areas that aren't level and still look like it is level because where it touches is. (Did that make any sense?)

So, your table could have some places that are not level giving you a 'wobbly' ride.

Of course, it could be that your wheels aren't exactly right either yet.

Good luck. And it should be like quilting through butter when you get done!!

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Okay I'm lost... if there's places in the table only a small level might show lack of levelness and there are only 4 legs to level the table with... how does one go about tweaking that?

We did use 2 large levels, and the table appears to be 99% level throughout. In two areas the "bubble" is off by a hair's width, but we can't get it any more level.

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I also used a long level and my son has done it for me often. Weather changes my floor. Anyway the table at the back of the machine that you use for pantographs, he puts it in the side rail and makes sure it is level and that the level does not have a gap between it and the rail itself. Is that clear as mud. If you use a smaller level or even the longer one, put it on top of the pantograph area and make sure it is level front to back and side to side. Somewhere on this forumn there is a picture of how the wheels are supposed to look up against the rail. Or was that with my edgeriders.

Anyway hope that helps some. I learned on my friends HQ and bought my Milli. Once you get her set right you won't want to go back. IMHO!!


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I am sure it is probably level from the what you are saying. Make sure that the center truss bolt isn't raised too high..I lowered mine a touch from what the manual said...and it feels smoother.

In regards to the QZ..it needs to be tightened and should work like a charm. You are always welcome to get ahold of me, Heidi, Terri or Abigail, or Cindy too for help with it.

Sounds like you will be playing today. Remember it is a new machine and will feel different than the HQ. The wheels can take a bit of adjustment to suit you. We have all had to make those adjustments...so hang in there!

Relax and have fun!

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Thank you everyone. I did check the width of the table all the way across and it is even, whew. I have one of those skillbuilder panels on to play with and yes, there is absolutely no resemblance to how the Millly handles versus the HQ. Right now, I couldn't make a round circle on it to save my life, LOL. It moves WAY tighter than my HQ. Definitely more control, but I'm having a hard time making anything round! It rather feels like it is fighting me, so perhaps those wheels do need some adjustment.

Today I'm just going to play on the panel, tomorrow I'll load up a big sheet or something and try out the Quiltazoid.

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CJ try this before you make more adjustments with the wheels. Do a circle (yes it will be bad initially) and keep going round and round in the same direction until you are really hitting the circle shape. Then do the same in the opposite direction. Do it without the SR and with the SR. This will give you the feel of the machine. Go as fast as you can. I found that it was more about learning the feel than to keep adjusting and adjusting. Then once you get it you'll be able to know what to tweak. Also make sure you keep your wheels in the same position on both wheels, otherwise you will really have problems.

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Actually, I had one carriage wheel at 11 o'clock, and the other at 1 o'clock, LOL. I read the support tips online and found they should be set at 9 o'clock... whoa baby what a difference!

I haven't figured out how to make the machine run yet without the stitch regulator, or how to set the stitch length.... I started playing before I finished the manual, hehehe.

Guess I better get back to reading!

ps... I can make a circle now, woohoo!:P

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To run in manual make sure you have the stitch length down to about 9 to start. Then hit control and blue. Off you go. If you want to increase your speed hit control and green (to go) or to slow down control red. Also another thing that you might not have discovered yet, while in SR mode you can stop without completely turning off the SR. hit control blue and that will stop the machine but it will still be beeping. Then to go again hit control blue. This is a feature that I absolutely love and use all the time when I'm doing ruler work.

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Yep, I got it. I started reading the manual over lunch, everything is working just fine, just operator error. The only thing I question that "may" be wrong is that I noticed during installing that the encoder wheel for my stitch regulator has a very flat spot in it. This may be normal for this machine, but I've a call in to APQS to find out. There's definitely more "drag" and "bump" when it's engaged.

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