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Channel locks

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Me again-

I just got smart enough to try out my channel locks and I must say I'm a little confused. I was always under the impression that horizontal meant from left to right, like the horizon, and vertical was up and down. Unless I'm completely off my rock, mine are backwards. Is this normal? Am I missing something? Help me, I'm afraid this is gonna be one of those "duh" things.


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I laugh at this one....as it was explained to me.....

It was designed by an engineer and not a quilter....so it is actually backwards from what one would think.

Now knowing that, just hit the reverse of what you want and you will have it right....the markings on the front are backwards to what I would think them to be.

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Oh thank you, thank you, thank you!! I was afraid I was doing something wrong or losing it completely. I know I'm losing it, it was the "completely" part that bothered me. Yup, must have been designed by a man, they always do things backwards. OK, now that I know I won't keep scratching my head. Thanks again:D:D:D:D


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This is so timely and funny and disappointing all at the same time.

I did a set-up in late December and thought I had set her machine up wrong because of this very issue. Turns out My machine is set up wrong as my back wheel bar is actually reversed from what it should be. I will stop pestering my customer to turn that bar around as now I know I need to change mine. Ooooops!

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I have taught a lot of people to quilt with my rental business, and every man thought the markings made perfect sense, and every woman found them backwards. I explain that the lock PREVENTS going the direction on the plate. I now just tell people to use the Yellow button to go horizontal in a straight line. I almost never use my vertical (red) lock.


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