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corded binding technique? - Done

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I wonder if that is the display that Irena is having at QwM (a special showing), I do believe there will be upwards of 40 quilts on display. That would be so exciting if yours will be included. I will definitely look for it. I have corresponded with Irena very briefly by email and she was so very encouraging. I can see how she would love to encourage you to new heights.

Good luck with your colours! :)

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Wow Heidi, I looked at that link and that corded binding looks time consuming! Do you have to attach it by hand, or can it be done on a machine? I'm sure this binding will make your work of art stand out even more!

I'm glad to know there are artists like you out there who challenge themselves with these kind of techniques.

Kudos to you!

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I have tried and tried to make the cording, but for some reason I cannot get it turned. I sew the material around the yarn, trim the excess seam allowance off, then try to turn it. I can gather the material, but cannot get it to turn back on itself. I do it the way Sharon shows on her video, but no luck for me. So if you were able to turn your cording, and you obviously did, congratulations. I know it will enhance your quilt greatly!

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Ladies, Heidi will NOT share with anyone, even behind the scenes.. she leaves me in anticipation, drooling enough to water the garden, and makes me wait.. sometimes after she's posted on line.. grrrrrrrr, she loves um,,, uhh,,,,,, dramatics, nope, thats not the word,,,,,,,,,oh dang, can't think of the word, but I feel like the kitten hanging on a branch.. you know the one.. it's saying "Oh s**t" .

I think I'll do the other way I thought about... might help if in contrasting colors.. but.. I'll see before I post picts... Heidi taught me how... ROFLL..:P:D:D:D:D:P:D:P:D:P:P


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Rita you are a crack-up! I just love having you hanging around!!!:P:P:P:P:P:P:P

Lynn I discovered a trick to getting it to start to turn on itself. After you stitch the yarn to the bias strip don't start stitching the tube directly where you stitch the yarn on. Start about 1/2" down. She notes this in the video but I missed it. If you use the rubber fingers it really makes all the difference. Once you get it a couple of times you'll have a feel for it.

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Thanks for the tip, Heidi! I missed that too (obviously!). And I'll get some new rubber fingers, the ones I have are extremely old, so maybe they have lost their grip. I'll keep trying, because I really want to be able to do this. I can't wait to see your quilt with the loopies!!

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It is a small world for sure. Last night I went to my guild meeting and someone introduced me to a new lady that has a house down here and a house in NY. Her name was Marj Haas from Saratoga Springs. We were talking and she brought out an envelope of pictures from her quilt show in NY. Well as she was flipping through the pictures, I stopped her on one that was all white with big red roses with large areas of curved crosshatching, I said I know that quilt it was quilted by Joanne Hendricks. She just looked at me and said how do you know that , she wasnt sure who had quilted it. Then the next picture I told her was made and quilted by our own Heidi Merrill. it was the Rose Parfait quilt. She was amazed that I knew thing about her pictures from her show that she didnt even know. So you see it truly is a Small World After All.

thought you would enjoy hearing this story!!

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That is amazing. It must have been pictures from the Empire Quilt Fest. I had lots of cusotmer quilts in that show too. I'm actually originally from Saratoga Springs, well ok as close as you can get. My father was in the Army we retired there when I was in the 7th grade. I was married there too. My husband was born and breed there. He hadn't even been out of the state at 18!!!! It surely is a small world!

3 Sides done 1 to go! maddie and I will be going downstairs after we get some cleaning done first. Today is the day I will get this done and attached to this quilt! Then I'll have to do all the hand work.

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Huh? I don't know of any guilds in the area that have a waiting list. My guild definitely doesn't have one. The Empire Quilt Fest is put on every other year and is a combined effort of 6 guilds and it is the only one in our area that I've put my quilt in. I know Joanne's was there too. We are in the Hudson Valley Region.

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that must be it then Heidi

she said they only take 60 members and there was a 6 year waiting list. I wonder if she loses her spot when she comes south for the winter. She said that Joanne was not in her guild and I couldnt remember your last name to tell her but she said she didnt think there was a Heidi in her guild either.. I didnt realize that the show was put together with 5 guilds.

That must take alot of coordination. we have enough trouble getting just our guild to agree on things. lol

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It is a lot to pull together but there are some wonderful organizers! I forget how many vendors we had and I think it was 240 quilts plus we had the Hoffman Dolls on display. It was a great show. Our guild has 219 members.

Cording is glued on and ready for the final stitching by machine and then I can finally do the hand work! Yippee. It looks just as I wanted and is well worth all the work. I was pleased that putting it on went pretty smoothly.

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