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New computer system for APQS machines

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Hello APQS users,

The Quilting Solution has completed the SideSaddle interface for Lenni and Millie APQS machines and are currently taking orders for this easy to use affordable computerized system. Please check out the web site and call or write with any questions.

www.sidesaddlequilting.com 864-275-7079 quiltingsolution@gmail.com

Thanks, Jennifer

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Looks like when we added the new pictures it lost the link. Working on it now. The buttons on the download page work.

As far as features, we have everything in the software to make the quilt pattern fit your quilting space. You can also do straight lines and continuous curves. The pattern can be fit to space for not perfect blocks or you can fit the pattern to a path for not perfectly straight borders.....we never have those, right?

There are clip and trim features for adjusting the pattern as well.

Thanks, Jennifer

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What changes do you make to the machines? Does it need to be rewired at all? What about the carriage? Is there any drilling required? what kind of pulley/motor system are you using? I would like to see more pictures and info about this on an APQS before even considering. Yes, the price is good, but how good is the system with our machines?

Will this be shown at MQS or MQX or any of those kind of shows

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Quilters, I have seen this unit in person, and it really is a jewel... what I liked best was the ease of use.. plain every day language, not "computereese". Unfortunately I can't remember for sure, if we did any stitching with my Lenni.. I think it was more measurements.. but I did see it at the Art and Thread Show (not sure of name at all) at the Sanford Civic Auditorium... They so generously quilted a few of my kids quilts.. I owe them big time for that. I am saving up to buy one. The video doesn't give a true sound of their quilting machine either.. I didn't find it any louder than Penny.. and you know how I love her!! J and D are quilting machine makers and the computer makers, lol, hope I can tease.. not the best photographers...

J, I have a couple Christmas Cacti rooted for you.. need to get them up or over that way..

So glad to see this info.. I'm saving..

Rita and Himself, in Sanford


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The machine does not need to be rewired at all. The SS plugs into the right rear handle plug. That handle does have to be removed but that is just two screws. All the connection hardware just bolts onto the carriage and the wheel axles of the machine. The SS uses stepper motors and Kevlar timing belts. The drivers and software are proprietary and run under Windows. The included computer(a net book) runs WindowsXP. The software will run under all Windows versions, the net books happen to run XP.

We will be getting the video of the SS running on the Millie on the web site and You Tube this week. The SS will be shown at HMQS and AQS in Paducah, NQA, Vermont Quilt Festival, Quilt Odyssey and many smaller shows. Since I am not an APQS dealer I show the SS on my Homesteader machine. We have an APQS/SideSaddle dealer in Elkhorn,WI , The Quilting Connection and in Greensboro, NC , Ye Olde Forest Quilt Shop.

Thanks for the good questions!


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Thanks for the post Rita! You should have seen that Millie flying. Kelly (Ye Olde Forest Quilt Shop) wanted to crank it up to see what it could do. I think we actually went a tad fast for the pattern we were sewing out. I am going to have to get brave and see how fast my Homesteader can take it. The SS did not have a problem at all though.

Will you be coming to the show in Albemarle in May? I hope I can do as well with the cactus as you do. I will have to put them in Mom's basement over the winter.....

Thanks, Jennifer

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We can make the SS work on any system. You would need some custom parts but we can work through that with some photos and measurements. Your machine does not need to be stitch regulated. If you would like to email me at quiltingsolution@gmail.com I can give you a list of what we need to see on your frame and machine.

Thanks, Jennifer

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I am excited! I see from the website that there is a rep--Sue--here in Washington. Maybe I can get a group of interested people together for a demo. It looks intriguing--and the price is very attractive. I would like to use a CG system for laying down the "bones" of the designs and then embellish with freehand. Thanks for the info.

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Please give Sue a call. She is always happy to give a demo, to one or a group. She is very knowledgeable about the process as she has been computer quilting for a long time.

She does have a show this weekend and is leaving for that on Wed. It is in central WA.

Thanks, Jennifer

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Jennifer, no problem at all.... I really liked it.. and spoke only the truth..

I'm not sure about the show.. what are the dates, again? We have family, NON quilters who wouldn't/aren't interested.. his Mom made them many quilts, I think she showed me 8 sets of place mats, napkins and centerpiece..all machine pieced and hand quilted.. and she uses them!

We also have 2 Dr. appt.s mid May, can't skip or reschedule either at this point..

The Christmas Cactus aren't hard to grow.. take very little watering compared to most plants.. and several weeks after you bring them out of the basement, they will burst into bloom. They need I think it is two months of dark to do that.. We put mine down the end of Sept. and usually have blooms around Christmas by bringing them outI think it is 4 weeks before blooming. Will look up the info for sure and bring it with the cuttings..

Talk soon, Rita

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