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Cutter Question

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hi -

i just looked on the machone comparison chart on the home page and it says that the thread cutter is not available on the freedom model. i thought i remembered that was a millie only option.

not sure if that applies to older models though, but it doesn't look like you can get it.

i have heard alot of the quilters on this forum say they never use it anyway.

i know you will love your freedom. good luck!

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I used my thread cutter, but had to trim threads from the back of the quilt every time I finished a quilt. My thread cutter jammed and I couldn't use it, when I did get it fixed, I disconnected it from the machine. I needed to lighten the load on my machine and now I don't need to trim the threads on the back of the quilt.

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Originally posted by sandradarlington

I don't have a thread cutter on my Liberty and I don't think I would use it anyway ,as I like bringing my threads to the top so I can knot and bury them.

:) Yes, I do this too... I use my thread cutter and pull the top tail and the bobbin tail comes to the top so I can tie and bury.

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shana ~ huh?

i dont have a thread cutter - so i'm not familiar.

if you cut the thread with the cutter - what do you have left to bring up to the top?

i dont know why i'm asking, cause it really is not something that applies to me. i guess i'm just nosy. wait a minute - i KNOW i'm nosy.

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No, Judy, you cannot add a thread cutter to your Freedom, however, if you learn to draw up your bobbin thread, you won't even miss the fact that you don't have one.

I have a Millennium, so I have the thread cutter, and I have to be honest and say that I use it sometimes, but if I didn't have it, I could easily get along without it.

Enjoy your Freedom. It is a great machine, and look at it this way, your machine is lighter without the thread cutter!! :D

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Thanks to all . . . . because I am a novice with my Freedom - how do I pull the bobbin thread to the top? Do I move the machine a few inches to give me a couple of inches of the top and bottom thread? and, then what?

Sorry to have such a simple question - but, I know that the experts on this forum can help!

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Judy, after your last locking stitch, pull the mahine away while holding the top thread on the quilt, bring the machine back to where you last stitched, needle up, needle down (while holding that same thread) and this needle up down process will catch the bobbin thread, pull machine away again and you will see the bobbin thread come up. Grab it and then you can snip both threads. There are videos out there on youtube and other places... the video explains it better. :D

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yippee - finally an answer i know.

it is done basiocally the same was as on a dsm

you take one single stitch - move the hopping foot away from where the stitich was taken - pull on the top thread and the bobbin thread comes up - move the foot back to where you were - hold the tails for the first few stitches and start your quilting

dawn has a good youtube on knotting and tying the tails...the link is below

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