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Ribbons for longarmers?

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Ribbons are awarded for piecers in local shows. Should that honor be extended to quilters/longarmers, too? In some large shows, the ribbons go to both parties. Since the quilting is often major part of the creativity involved, what are your thoughts about quilters receiving ribbons in local shows? I'd appreciate your opinion and experience about this, as I'm hoping to bring it up as a topic of discussion for guilds in northern California. Thanks so much!

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in our local show (the biggest in north GA- 400 plus quilts), only quilt entered into the two person catergorys receive two ribbons (ie one for the piecer and one for the LAer- the first,second,and third...none of the others), but the issue came up in a past show where the 'best of show' was a two person quilt and only one ribbon was presented (the general consensus was that the quilting added/helped the design of it). the response from the guild was basically they didn't think a two person quilt would of been chosen by the judges....the next show, that problem was fixed.

it is only fair....a LAer sometimes puts just as much work into a quilt as the piecer and our efforts should be recognized as well....but there is always the other side of the coin....i've heard both

this is just MHO, but i think two ribbons should be awarded. now, the other argument to that is "what about group quilts?" in our show, only the person entering the quilt is awarded the ribbon...i should mention that our guild makes the ribbons (they usually have a theme)...

good luck with discussing this with your guilds....it seems to be a 'hot' topic

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As a person who pieces a quilt top and also quilts it, I do have one concern about these ribbons. As a piecer/quilter I can only enter 8 quilts in our local show. They limit me so they limit my ribbon potential. Now, if a local long-armer quilts 150 of the quilts in the show, her work is entered 150 times plus the 8 she actually pieces for herself. So her "earning power" is very great. I do see a problem if she should get say, 50 ribbons. Does that make sense? I am not trying to be silly here but I do see a problem.

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Guest Linda S

I think there should be separate ribbons. One only needs to take a look at Lee Daniels' book, "Quilting Makes the Quilt" to see that the quilting can really make or break a quilt. Sylvia - I think there should be some limit on the number of quilts one can enter. I know at our county fair, I have to enter the Pro class, since I quilt for others and I am allowed to enter only ONE quilt. Thankfully, I took the blue anyway!!


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Do any of you know which of the larger shows do provide a ribbon for the quilter as well? I know that MQ Innovations in Tacoma does. What about Houston? Paducah? PIQF? MQX? MQS, etc.

Another thing to consider is the cost to our guilds. What if it there was an option for the quilter to purchase a ribbon on our winning quilts? Having ribbons hanging in our studio would help promote our business. (A good thing in this economy!)

I really appreciate your thoughts. It helps me see a bigger picture. Thanks to all of you who responded. I'd love to hear from more of you!


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I had hoped to change our guild's policy on only awarding one ribbon. As the chair of our upcoming show it was my first piece of business. But, alas I was outvoted :(

They went with the mentality that "she who enters the quilt gets the ribbon". Even in our "Ensemble" (more than one person) catagory they said, nope, only one ribbon *sigh*.

It's a sore point with me because a customer's quilt won "Best Machine Quilting" at her guild's show, and she has the ribbon. She did call to tell me, so at least I have the pleasure of knowing about it, but a duplicate ribbon would have been really appreciated.

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I sure understand your feelings! I have pictures of the quilts I've done with blue ribbons hanging on them, but would sure love to have even the simplest of ribbons to hang in the studio!

As a profession, we've come a long way! Remember when machine quilting was a no-no! I would love to see quilters recognized for their hard work and artistry! What can we do?

One comment I received from a guild member was, "They (quilters) don't deserve ribbons. We pay them for a job. If you feel you want to do something, give them a tip." OUCH! That comment made me want to step up on my soap box and proclaim "Hear ye, hear ye!"

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Originally posted by calicokat

It's a sore point with me because a customer's quilt won "Best Machine Quilting" at her guild's show, and she has the ribbon. She did call to tell me, so at least I have the pleasure of knowing about it, but a duplicate ribbon would have been really appreciated.

ME too...I would have a wall full of ribbons if every a second ribbon was awarded....alas, never to have happened and I have yet to have customers take pictures of ribbons so I could even have that to show for my efforts. I have asked and never to see one. Big Sigh!!!!

Very sad when I think of this, and a open wound when this subject comes up each time. HEAVY SIGH!!!!!INDEED...:P:P

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It's a sore point with me because a customer's quilt won "Best Machine Quilting" at her guild's show, and she has the ribbon. She did call to tell me, so at least I have the pleasure of knowing about it, but a duplicate ribbon would have been really appreciated.

Bear with me here ... please ... cause I am a serious newbie and have never entered anything in a show ... and do not possess the skills to do so ... but if YOU did the machine quilting, why does your customer have the 'Best Machine Quilting' ribbon? Is this because she paid for the quilting? I really don't understand why anyone would want a ribbon that they didn't earn themselves. I liken this to the Project Runway contestants going out and buying a Michael Kors creation and then winning the show based on his work.

Please enlighten me, what am I missing here? :o

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A ribbon titled "Best Machine Quilting" should have been given to the LAer. Why would you want a ribbon that says that if you didn't do the work? I think giving 2 ribbons can become an overwhelming expense for the show unless it is a very simple, inexpensive one. I'm not too excited about ribbons. Too many years in 4-H and State Fair when I was a kid. Just tell me the quilt looks good.

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thanks for answering me....this has been a gnat in my brain since i read it.

but really, i always thought that both the piecer and quilter were mentioned on the quilts at shows. i can't say i really am sure about this, but i thought it always said ~

the name of the quilt and who pieced it.

then machine quilted by .......???

am i wroing about this? i am always so gaga over the quilting that i forget what exactly the label says.

so why doesnt the quilter get the ribbon.? the piecer gets to keep the quilt - i understand that totally - but if it was sent out to be machine quilted - shouldnt the quilter get the ribbon for workmanship? this seems so obvious to me. anyone care to enlighten me?

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Meg you are right it usually lists both the piecer and the quilter (if the piecer is honest). I've had show win ribbons too but not gotten any of the ribbons. I do have pictures though. I guess it is just the cost of doing business :P:P:P! I agree that a ribbon for best machine quilting should go to the quilter! I'd be ashamed to keep it to myself.

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so this is just another one of those unfortunate circumstances where it is left up to the individual to do the right thing? seems that the shows could SUGGEST that the ribbon be given to the artist, not the owner.

oh well, just another reason i should be glad i possess so little talent~LOL!

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At a local quilt show this weekend, I spoke with the guild president, who told me what they tried last year. They ordered simple flat ribbons for the piecer to pass on to her quilter. It was very well-received and also low-cost. Any thoughts about that idea?

A bit of happy news... I had entered a small wall hanging that I pieced myself and actually won "Best Machine Quilting by maker." I'm still doing the Happy Dance!!!

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