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Super Bobs and tension inconsistencies

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I've been using Superior Super Bobs for the last few quilts that I've done and I've found that the tension is extremely inconsistent from one bobbin to the next. I've put a few in the Towa gauge and the needle spikes to the high end. On one bobbin the gauge barely moved, but none of the bobbins show a smooth gauge measurement and the needle wobbles quite a bit. These bobbins are sitting next to each other and coming out of the same package. I'm using the same bobbin case for all and I would think they would need minor tweeking from one bobbin to the next. I've set aside those bobbins that have extremely tight tension and wonder if they are defective. Do they get old? Has anyone else had this problem?

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Originally posted by Hollyrw

I don't have a Towa gauge so I've never checked them that precisely. Every time I put in a new bobbin I do the drop test and make an adjustment if needed. I've never had to tweek much.

Me too the drop test... So I can't help you, with regards to the Towa readings, but I do know that some adjustments are needed with each bobbin regardless of it being a pre-wound or a metal bobbin that I wound myself.

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I thought it was me.

I am using superbob #620 and I am finding that occasionally one is offish. No matter how much I loosen the case it still won't play nicely. With The Hexagon Quilt I didn't bother me too much, but now with customer quilts It does.

I put those ones aside to use for applique or to rewind onto a featherweight bobbin.

Hadn't thought of contacting Bob, as I thought it was isolated but now with confrimation maybe we should.


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Guest Linda S

I stopped using prewounds because of the gopher guts I'd get on the back of quilts using superbobs. I love superior threads, but could not use their bobbins. Now that I've found Magna Glide bobbins, I'm in heaven again.


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I've done the drop test and the bobbins that have the extremely tight tension will drop without any trouble, but when in the case and machine, or Towa, the tension is tight. Makes no sense to me. I'm going to call Superior but thought I would see if anyone else is having the problem.

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My name is Jenny and I have been looking at this forum for about 3 1/2 years now. I wanted to thank everyone for the wonderful advice, knowledge, inspiring quilting pictures, etc...... I have been in business for about 3 years happened to get on this forum one day about a month ago and came across the topic of magni-glide bobbins. All the comments were so convincing of how wonderful they were I had to order me some. And Oh..... thank you, thank you!!! I can complete a whole quilt on one bobbin with beautiful tension. I ended up ordering all colors of bobbin choices. I also ordered some Metro thread. Love that too!! Just wanted to say thanks to those quilters that have made comments on this and all the other subjects.

Now I can put my thought in here and there and hope to help someone else out!

Thanks again!


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I agree with Linda - Magna glide bobbins have eliminated almost all tension problems that I used to have. I don't have a Towa so also tried and tried to do the drop test with bobbins (pre-wounds & wind my own) and I could never get it right. It was so frustrating. Now the Magna Glide bobbins have made it possible to grow old gracefully and not turn gray overnight due to the frustrations of tension issues!!! They are so worth buying and if you haven't tried them yet, please do so. I don't think that you will be sorry. ;)

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I love the Magna Glide bobbins and purchased some at MQS. When I tested them I had absolutely perfect tension and didn't have to adjust from one bobbin to the next. I decided to use up the Super Bobs on the guild charity quilts, and am surprised by the problems that I'm having. I've had the Super Bobs for a while, hadn't used many, and was saving them - but I sure don't know what for! :o

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I use pre-wound BL bobbins as well as the Magna-glide without the issues some are having.

Just a reminder--:)--make sure if you have removed the backlash spring in the bobbin case to use the Magna Glide that you replace it to use the SuperBobs.

One issue I did have recently was the core of the BL pre-wound bobbins (purchased in the 72-count package) came with five or so cores with bumps inside that caused the bobbin to not even fit in the case. I scraped the bumps with a scissors blade to pare them down so I could use them.

I am also drifting away from the Superior product and using it up so I can start using more of the Magna Glide. Great product!

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I LOVE the Magna Glide bobbins and probably won't use anything else unless I need to wind my own with a special color. For the most part, the neutral colors will work on anything. I have white, cream, light gray and dark gray. That pretty much works for me.

I had used the Super Bobs in my HQ and they were the M class. I was needing to buy new L class bobbins for Millie when I discovered the Magna Glide. So glad I didn't send off for a big supple of Super Bobs. They did work fine in my HQ and a friend uses them all the time. Once in a while I would get one that just wouldn't stitch right. I'd put in a new one and everything was fine.

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Hi Carmen,

I have had the exact same problem. The Superbobs with the shiny cardboard side seem to give me more problems than the Superbobs with the brown cardboard sides. one thing to check is make sure when you wind your thread around the two little pulley things on your TOWA gauge that you are not going UNDERNEATH the pulley. That will give you a totally wrong reading. I have to check every bobbin and then I also do the drop test to make sure that everything is A-OK. And yes....sometimes I just can't use a bobbin at all because the tension is terrible on it.

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