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Millie NOT fixed yet again. Get with the program APQS!

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Great Job Dawn- all joking aside, I know you all do your best! That's all anyone can ever ask!

P.S. When they called us cheese heads we made hats out of it and made a lot of Mooo-la?---(lemons--lemonade) Ah yes, the silver lining! Joking back in!

Take Care----We Do Luv Ya All up here! -------Dave B.

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Great Job Dawn- all joking aside, I know you all do your best! That's all anyone can ever ask!

P.S. When they called us cheese heads we made hats out of it and made a lot of Mooo-la?---(lemons--lemonade) Ah yes, the silver lining! Joking back in!

Take Care----We Do Luv Ya All up here! -------Dave B.

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Originally posted by DawnCavanaugh

.....Dave I'll reserve my comments about cheesy Wisconsin jokes :) :)

I have never heard a cheesy Wisconsin joke before so I am curious...;). So somebody tell me one (even if it involves gassy cows and outhouses in Iowa)

Originally posted by mrsbishwit

...And take what Kreacher says with a grain of salt...usually it's tongue and cheek..... it can turn into a heated discussion, some of Kreacher's posts should come with a warning label, lol :D:D:P:P

This is true. Oh Kreacher how you like to stir the pot!!!

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Originally posted by DawnCavanaugh

.....Dave I'll reserve my comments about cheesy Wisconsin jokes :) :)

I have never heard a cheesy Wisconsin joke before so I am curious...;). So somebody tell me one (even if it involves gassy cows and outhouses in Iowa)

Originally posted by mrsbishwit

...And take what Kreacher says with a grain of salt...usually it's tongue and cheek..... it can turn into a heated discussion, some of Kreacher's posts should come with a warning label, lol :D:D:P:P

This is true. Oh Kreacher how you like to stir the pot!!!

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Thanks Dawn. You are the Best!! When I first got my machine, you were the best help a person could ask for. I guess I just knew you guys would be there and you weren't but i'll certainly be trying again,( but not too soon, I hope). Maybe when you sell a machine you could include a list of reps in that persons' area.


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Thanks Dawn. You are the Best!! When I first got my machine, you were the best help a person could ask for. I guess I just knew you guys would be there and you weren't but i'll certainly be trying again,( but not too soon, I hope). Maybe when you sell a machine you could include a list of reps in that persons' area.


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Originally posted by Carreen

Maybe when you sell a machine you could include a list of reps in that persons' area.


Maybe that wouldn't be a bad idea....however for those not aware or just don't know, we are each listed by state in the "Find A Dealer" portion of the Front Page of the website.... Click on that and the state you are looking in and our lovely mugs and all the telephone numbers are listed...as well as our addresses, mine has both my home number as well as my cell so I can't hide should anyone need me. Also if your not aware of how to get to the "MAIN/FRONT PAGE" in the first blue bar just under this APQS logo on this page there are the words "Back to:" and a little house icon....that will also take you to the main/front page.

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Originally posted by Carreen

Maybe when you sell a machine you could include a list of reps in that persons' area.


Maybe that wouldn't be a bad idea....however for those not aware or just don't know, we are each listed by state in the "Find A Dealer" portion of the Front Page of the website.... Click on that and the state you are looking in and our lovely mugs and all the telephone numbers are listed...as well as our addresses, mine has both my home number as well as my cell so I can't hide should anyone need me. Also if your not aware of how to get to the "MAIN/FRONT PAGE" in the first blue bar just under this APQS logo on this page there are the words "Back to:" and a little house icon....that will also take you to the main/front page.

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Originally posted by gable428

Originally posted by kreacher

Should'a got a Gammill.

SHOULD HAVE GOTTEN A NOLTING! Seriously though, it will get fixed. APQS is a good company.

The welding is better on the APQS :P It's lighter too, and you can push the buttons with any digit you like without them breaking :)

I actually quite like the Noltings, but some of the things the Gammil rep told me would curl your hair......hmm cheap perm anyone :)

For all the troubles I've had with my machine I wouldn't swap it.


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Originally posted by gable428

Originally posted by kreacher

Should'a got a Gammill.

SHOULD HAVE GOTTEN A NOLTING! Seriously though, it will get fixed. APQS is a good company.

The welding is better on the APQS :P It's lighter too, and you can push the buttons with any digit you like without them breaking :)

I actually quite like the Noltings, but some of the things the Gammil rep told me would curl your hair......hmm cheap perm anyone :)

For all the troubles I've had with my machine I wouldn't swap it.


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Originally posted by Ferret

I actually quite like the Noltings, but some of the things the Gammil rep told me would curl your hair......hmm cheap perm anyone :)

Ferret, do you mean the Gammill people said something bad about the Nolting machines? I hate when one company bashes another:mad: I have had three Nolting machines and love 'em:)

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Originally posted by Ferret

I actually quite like the Noltings, but some of the things the Gammil rep told me would curl your hair......hmm cheap perm anyone :)

Ferret, do you mean the Gammill people said something bad about the Nolting machines? I hate when one company bashes another:mad: I have had three Nolting machines and love 'em:)

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Carol, so sorry you are having these problems with your machine, but from what I have read APQS really does stand behind their machines and will make it right. I have a Nolting Funquilter since I pretty much quilt for myself and just couldn't justify one of the big girls (it would have cut into my fabric buying funds!!). When I researched machines one thing that stood out to me was that Nolting and APQS seemed to be the machines where people raved on about the great after sale service. Personally, I wouldn't complain if the Quilting Fairy left a Nolting Pro, Millie, or A-1 Elite on my doorstep. And I know folks who love their Gammill's, but for some reason they are not comfortable for me.

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Carol, so sorry you are having these problems with your machine, but from what I have read APQS really does stand behind their machines and will make it right. I have a Nolting Funquilter since I pretty much quilt for myself and just couldn't justify one of the big girls (it would have cut into my fabric buying funds!!). When I researched machines one thing that stood out to me was that Nolting and APQS seemed to be the machines where people raved on about the great after sale service. Personally, I wouldn't complain if the Quilting Fairy left a Nolting Pro, Millie, or A-1 Elite on my doorstep. And I know folks who love their Gammill's, but for some reason they are not comfortable for me.

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Completely ignore kreacher's posts altogether. He is somehow socially handicapped. He doesn't quilt, although he says his wife does. Usually his posts are off the wall and totally uncalled for. We have suggested etiquite books but apparently he has declined to invest in one. So just ignore and move on.:)

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Completely ignore kreacher's posts altogether. He is somehow socially handicapped. He doesn't quilt, although he says his wife does. Usually his posts are off the wall and totally uncalled for. We have suggested etiquite books but apparently he has declined to invest in one. So just ignore and move on.:)

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the NEW TESTED circuit board I was sent worked. My Millie is no longer an Illie!! Hooray! I have renamed her after Penelope, the faithful waiting wife of Odysseus. Millie had to wait to begin her happy life and now she is called "Millie Penny" (get it ? Money Penny).

Seriously now, my Millennium runs beautifully just like my dealer's whose Millie I loved after quilting 3 hours on her. I loaded my first real quilt, a charity one after practicing on muslin. The stitches with the stitch regulator after I adjusted the tension correctly were fantastic. My driving was wonky but in a few spots it looked kind of nice. Now it is practice, practice, practice. Worth every bit of any waiting and aggravation. And now ANYONE WHO GETS AN APQS MACHINE WILL NEVER NEVER HAVE THE PROBLEM I HAD, EVER AGAIN.

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the NEW TESTED circuit board I was sent worked. My Millie is no longer an Illie!! Hooray! I have renamed her after Penelope, the faithful waiting wife of Odysseus. Millie had to wait to begin her happy life and now she is called "Millie Penny" (get it ? Money Penny).

Seriously now, my Millennium runs beautifully just like my dealer's whose Millie I loved after quilting 3 hours on her. I loaded my first real quilt, a charity one after practicing on muslin. The stitches with the stitch regulator after I adjusted the tension correctly were fantastic. My driving was wonky but in a few spots it looked kind of nice. Now it is practice, practice, practice. Worth every bit of any waiting and aggravation. And now ANYONE WHO GETS AN APQS MACHINE WILL NEVER NEVER HAVE THE PROBLEM I HAD, EVER AGAIN.

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