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How high should my machine be?

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Hi everyone. I need to jump in here as well. As most of you know that Connie is no longer with us, so Mike and I are in the process of training new people to be in service. Mike and I have been here for 16 and 17 years respectively and use to do all the technical support and production. The people that we are training are coming out of production so they know the machines very well. They are just getting up to speed on the service end. In defense of APQS, I would like to say that we try to go up and beyond for after market service and I'm sure there are alot of people that would say that it was the reports of that that caused them to purchase APQS and have been very happy. I do know that some of the questions asked are more of a quilting issue rather than technical. If we don't know the answer, we will talk to a quilter and get you the answer or give you their number so you can speak directly to them. That is one reason that this chat is so awesome, you quilters jump in and help each other out sometimes before we can get you the answer you need. I know it was tough last thursday & Friday to speak to us as we were teaching a 2 day hands on maintenance class here at the factory. But we never let a call or questions go on unanswered. So please don't hesitate to ever call us for help as we want to help in any way we can. We do have alot of helpful hints right on this web site under technical assistance if you look you can open files with hints and pictures as well. We want to listen to out customers and try to accomodate you as much as we can to updates or upgrades. Again, if you need anything,please call....800-426-7233 ext.6

Take care, :)

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My machine is still at the height that it was when we originally built it..which means it's at it's lowest point and the reason for my backaches. Being that I'm 5'8" I bet I can easily raise it 6 inches and have improved comfort when quilting.

Another good thing I've found out in the comments here is that the elastic straps connect only to the backing....I've been hitching them to both the batting and backing. Being that I'm a new quilter, I've not noticed any big booboos or stretching to the tops I've quilted. No one has complained either...that's a good thing. :)

I went for classes to Darlene Epp's and she had the hydraulic lift on the machine I was working with and both, the lift it's the way to go! It's so easy to adjust the machine lower for pantos, then higher for working freehand at the front. That, along with the micro stitcher will be my next purchases. In the meantime, I"m going to stretch those legs up a bit.


ps...my manual is a new one this year and it says nothing about adjusting those legs higher. It would be so easy to have the text from that manual stored on a computer and edit it when need be so that anyone buying a new machine would have this info...I think it's important that this adjustment info be added. Just like I couldn't believe that we needed all those allen wrenches to put the machien together and they didn't include one in the kit. Tell me, how many women have all different sizes of allen wrenches in their tool boxes? Certainly not me and for a few extra pennies they would include one in their assembly kit. I did complain and APQS did say they were looking at adding them...I hope they live up to their word.

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Thank you for updating us on the status of APQS and the customer service. It is good to know that we will be in such good hands and that we can still call you anytime we have a problem. I know that you all have never let me down, even calling in the evening when I think you should be home with your families. Great customer service.

Thank you, thank you!!;)

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Thanks for that Mary Beth!!

And Joy...no I have not been fired. Not sure where you got that one. Mike and I like to kid around and say we are the "old" guys here since we have been here the longest. :)


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I have never experienced a "lack of suport". I have always received the best of service. They have even called me after they get home in the evenings when other business people are home enjoying the evening with their families. When I told them that they could have waited until the next day, I was told that this is what they do and that it would only take a few minutes to walk me through the problem. The folks at APQS have always been very good to me.

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It bothers me to hear people saying they don't get tech support from APQS. I still vow that APQS has the BEST support of all the longarm companies. It is true that Connie is gone, and some of us were so used to talking to her that anything else seems weird, but Mark is doing his best. AND he does get on these boards and answer questions as he can.

Probably the long wait time is due to the fact that so many people have decided that APQS is the best company with the best machine, and the switchboard is just busier. Before you bashe the company, please try to call Gammill or Nolting and just ask a simple question. You won't get to talk to anybody except a salesperson unless you already own a machine.

I'm not saying this to cause hard feelings or anything. I just wanted to state that for me APQS has been and will be the only LA company I will do business with.

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Hey Mark!!!! So glad to see you post. Thanks for explaining about the meetings. Obviously, I got someone who was new last week.

The reason I asked about you being "fired" was because of the mention that APQS was under new management. I had not heard that before.

I think you are the bestest! No problems with you at all. I'm SURE if I had gotten you in the first place, all my questions would have been answered.

As of today, and all the great posts from the ladies here, I have my machine purring like a kitten. Even know where the dangly chain goes. I'm a happy camper again.


Note: I had been clamping my back AND batting also. That is how my salesperson instructed me to do it. There are so many different ways, and that is why we all get confused. It does make sense, however, to NOT stretch the batting. I also backed way off the stretch in my bands.

Hugs, Joy

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Hi gang,

I don't get much of a chance to post to the chat--usually just enough time to look at all the beautiful photos of what you all are up to!

I remember setting up my machine when I first got it 13 years ago, and being afraid to go into the basement for two weeks afterward--the thing scared me to death! Things have changed a great deal in our industry since then; you could barely find another long-arm user back then, let alone a class or manual on how to use the machine.

Now, you can find classes all over the country, and long arm guilds are even available in many places. Over those 13 years I've "driven" many other quilting machines as a teacher, and am still in love with my APQS--the terrific tech support has kept my machine healthy all those years.

In addition, a newly updated manual is available from APQS, with over 230 pages of photos and information. It includes machine assembly, maintenance, thread usage guides, quilt loading, exercises to get to know your machine, and lots of other info--including table height, how far the legs adjust, where to put the little chain from the motorized feed, and other tidbits you may not know.

Yes, it's been a long time coming--but I've been in the industry long enough to see where we started and also to see how far we've really come. That's why this forum is so great--we can help each other. If someone had told me back in 1993 when I bought my machine that I'd be chatting with quilters around the world every day, I'd have said they were nuts!

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Thanks Joy, :D

APQS has been under new management for about 4 years now. It has been an awesome thing for APQS! I did go back to the manual and look some thing up though...It does talk about the safety chain in the motorized advance part of the manual. And it does talk about being able to raise your table, it just doesn't say how high, which is 9". I will speak to the proper people to get that added to the manual so the customer will know how high they can raise the table for in the future. And remember if you can't find it in the material, don't hesitate to call us and ask and we will do our best to get you the right answers. :)

Take care all,

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Hi again,

I just wanted to clairify the "new manual" that Dawn is talking about. Dawn so graciously wrote the new manual for us and did an awesome job. I went back and looked to see when we first started sending them out with the machines. It was approx. 2-2 1/2 months ago. And in the new manual it does state that you have a maximum adjustment of 9" to raise the table to fit your height. I know that we try and tell potential customers as well so they know that the table is adjustable. I'm sorry that that got missed for some of you. We will try harder to get that point across.

Have a great day!

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Hi Lynn,

The new manuals can be purchased for $55. They are at the printers right now and will not be available for about another 4 weeks. We have enough on hand to send out with new machines for the moment.


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I have not had to call APQS directly yet cause everyone here has been so helpful that is one thing about our machines that is so awesome, we are all here because we love what we do and want everyone else to be the best they can be and I think that is true of tech support at the company too. I know that Mark posts quite often

Just my 2 cents worth.

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  • 9 months later...

While I haven't bought the machine I want yet, the ONLY thing that convinced me that APQS was the way to go was

the support. When I first found this board, I thought Gammil

was the way to go -- but not after researching this board!

The knowledge & support these women give to each other

seems to be fabulous. Their experiences, talent & skills, as well as sense of humor are just great! I'll take that over

tech support any day. (they've probably already solved problem) ;)

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I would like to add that in Australia the service is fantastic. I was very fortunate to get a pre-loved Millie a few months ago and yesterday Sue Morris took the time to come over to make sure that I've got everything where its supposed to be. She is gorgeous! Thanks Sue!

Every time I've had a question it has been answered on this forum. I feel very fortunate to be a part of the APQS family. I just love my Matilda :)

Cheers Satu

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