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Quilting and healthy lifestyle 6/18 thru 6/25

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This may sound hard core but here it is: My husband and I decided when we joined WW last January to "make food less important". So in spite of the WW recommendations, we don't have a lot of variety in our diet. Same breakfast for each of us every AM, a few lunch options, same dinner every night consisting of a salad, chicken & roasted vegetable. I know, it sounds really boring when I write it down. I'm amazed but the repetition hasn't become difficult yet and somehow food actually has become less important to both of us. This weekend, same thing plus a WW meeting tomorrow AM and an 'abs' class at the gym on Sunday.

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Mrs. A.............I commend you and your husband for being able to stick to a regimine like that. I can't do it. I need variety and get bored easily. Maybe that's why living in the Midwest is good for me..........seasons change.......by the time I get bored with one, there is another one. :P Lately, the seasons seem to change daily !!!!

Anyway, I do find that I do much better avoiding the fat free/sugar free things and just go for the "real food" and eat less of it. With the other, it seems I am always craving something else, therefore, I eat more and usually not anything good.

We are just sort of kicking back this weekend. No special plans yet. DH might even be gone on Father's Day, which is fine............it's HIS day to do as he wishes. :) If the weather holds and the rain stays away, we will probably grill out sometime. He caught some fish from our pond this afternoon, so fresh fish for supper tonight.

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My daughter lined me out with a two week eating plan from Jackie Warner's book "This is Why You're Fat". For the first two weeks, you continue with what you are eating now and add a few things to you daily diet. Not too bad.

We don't have any plans for the weekend other than enjoying the nice weather! Hopefully it will stick around!

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Sorry to hear that Heidi ! :( It's been a while since you posted any MIL issues..........Of course it was all YOUR fault, right ???? :)

My own Mother ruined my Mother's Day. I was soooo angry with her and I, too, came home and ate away my frustrations. I then sat down and wrote her a 4 page (typewritten) letter laying out all the stuff she had put me through the last 3 years and informed her that I was NOT going to allow her to do that to me any more ! I had spent many $$$ with doctors, meds and such because she had me so tied up in knots all the time. She was very good at laying a "poor me" guilt trip on me when things didn't go her way. I told her that I knew exactly what she was doing and it was going to stop now!

She as been sooooo nice and agreeable since then !!!! I had written her a letter once before, but didn't send it...........this time I did and glad of it. I got a lot of pent up anger off my chest and I feel much better. ;)

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Originally posted by VIVIANMABLE

Sorry to hear that Heidi ! :( It's been a while since you posted any MIL issues..........Of course it was all YOUR fault, right ???? :)

Why yes of course it was! She is the same selfish, self-centered woman she was when she was here. I got a call from the nursing agency that does her home blood draws and they had tried to get her blood yesterday and she never called them back and today they physically went there and she wasn't in. Well she went to classes and didn't leave word at the desk and her words to me was that she wasn't going to wait around for her. Mind you that the doctor does not have ot sign her up for home draws. She knew it was on the schedule for yesterday and just blew it off. I won't be carting her back and forth to the doctors office to get her blood drawn every week. Mind you that I was busy working and had to stop what I was doing to figure out where she was. I was just ready to head out the door when she finally called. Then she got mad at me and hung up on me when I told her that she better make the time to be there. I did raise my voice but really does she think the whole world is here to cater to her? The service ended up calling me back to tell me the doctors office was now closed and they would have to come on Monday. I of course waited all afternoon while she sat there waiting for them to call her and let her know they'd be coming on Monday.:P:P:P She told hubby that I talk to her like a 2 year old. LOL I wonder why? She just has no consideration what so ever. It is all about her and only her.

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Oh, I hear ya !!!!! My Mom does not like to be inconvenienced one little bit. She keeps saying she doesn't want to cause trouble at the Assisted Living Center, but yet when the staff needs to come in to take care of something, she complains because they came too early, too late, too close to lunch time, too close to bed time..........blah, blah, blah. I am so dreading becoming that age.................:D I sincerely hope I remember these things and do better.

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Why not let hubby deal with the phone calls to her and the doctors and the blood draw people. It is HIS mother. You have already done your part by having her live with you for so long.

Mrs. A, In WW this week we found out that a lot of us eat the same breakfast and lunch and have about 4 things that we rotate for dinner. We are all finding that the less time we have to do planning and shopping for meals the less important food is becoming to us. Also by eating a balance of the right things our bodies are not always calling for something because our nutritional needs are being met. I really do not have the snackies much anymore. I have something at hand that fits my plan if I do.

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Originally posted by sharni


Why not let hubby deal with the phone calls to her and the doctors and the blood draw people. It is HIS mother. You have already done your part by having her live with you for so long.

Sharni easier said than done. Unfortunately hubby has a job that doesn't make him as easy to get in touch with. He is often not in his office or on conference calls. After she hung up on me I did call him and made him call her. He told her that if she blows this and they refuse to do home draws anymore she will just have to get on the bus that the facility has and worry about getting her own blood draws. Neither of us are in the mood to keep putting up with her. The thing that got me mad was that I made sure it was written down on her calendar and she just ignored it because it didn't suit her. I'm with Linda I sure hope I do better. I can tell you that I'm so not a selfish person that I don't think I'll ever have that problem.

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I just hope when we get that age, we dont put our children thru this....I wish you peace in your lives...

playing golf with hubby tommrow...yikes....

I find myself eating about the same things too...Evening meal is the hardest....I need to eat early and he would rather eat later...

newest favorite for a snack is the mini rice cakes in carmel flavor...

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I love it that we can come here and vent our frustrations about ANYTHING and not worry about it. :P That darn

STRESS can cause us all sorts of health issues along with weight gain. I have a friend who loses weight when stressed - NOT ME ! Anyway, it helps to get things off our chest and to move on with our daily lives.

Good for you, Heidi, to call your DH about MIL and even better that HE laid down the law to her as well. Now she can't blame just YOU..........well, she can, and probably will....:).........but you know your DH is behind you. That's terrific.

We made it through about 48 hours without rain, but there is more moving in. Huge blob of red/orange/yellow on the radar heading our way. :(

I have been off track the last couple of days, but will get right back on today ! Have a great Saturday everyone.

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Sorry Heidi that I sounded so adamant and harsh about having your husband handle your MIL. Guess I really got defensive in your behalf. He did a good job of stepping up to the plate and calling her to set the boundaries of what you two will and won't do for her. You know she will test those boundaries no matter how you try to help her remember her part in helping take care of herself ( the note on the calendar). That is just the way she is. Just hold the line every time.

I don't think you will ever have to worry about being like her.;)

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Originally posted by sharni

Sorry Heidi that I sounded so adamant and harsh about having your husband handle your MIL. Guess I really got defensive in your behalf. He did a good job of stepping up to the plate and calling her to set the boundaries of what you two will and won't do for her. You know she will test those boundaries no matter how you try to help her remember her part in helping take care of herself ( the note on the calendar). That is just the way she is. Just hold the line every time.

I don't think you will ever have to worry about being like her.;)

LOL not at all harsh. Honestly I wish I were the type of person that could just turn my back on her. The truth is I know that would hurt my husband. I don't put up with it for her. Hubby called her this morning and left a message for her to call with her grocery list, which we do every week for her. Do you think she could call him back? Nope guess she was too busy. I quilted all day and finally got a customer quilt done. I just got home from shopping. Hubby can take her pills and groceries over tomorrow. I'm in no mood.

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Heidi, it took me a year, but I FINALLY got my Mom to make a list (write it down when she ran out) and to call me on Monday! I go to town on Tuesdays and shop for her and deliver. Before, she would call every day needing 1 or 2 items...... I finally got it through her head I would come ONCE a week and that's it! I am in town more than that, but she doesn't need to know about it. ;) I also shop where I want to shop and will not run all over town getting the best deal to savre 10 cents.

Maybe we should write all this in a journal to read again in 20 years as a reminder ???? :P

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I won't run every day and she already knows that. She also knows we only shop once a week but we have to keep calling to see what she needs. She does keep a list but I guess we have to beg for it. She is going to learn the hard way that I won't play. Hubby can play all he wants. I will not cater to her rudeness. Keeping a journal is a very good idea.

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I cured my Mom of not calling me with her list. I didn't call her either and when I went to visit, she asked where her stuff was and I told her that since she didn't call with a list, I assumed she didn't need anything ! I told her to give me her list and I would bring it NEXT WEEK ! I could have gotten it that day, but I wasn't going to do it. Now, she calls !

We barely get our kids raised and on their own and then we start dealing with parents..........:(

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I found a new app for my phone called My Fitness Pal. I can track all my food everyday as soon as I eat and I always know how many calories are left for the day. I can search almost every food I purchase. It's great and you can also use it on your computer. I also use the app Unified Lifestyle that has all restaraunt food. It's been three weeks and I've lost 20 lbs.

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Well my week was good until Sat. & Sun. we went to car shows both days (DH has a 62 Ford Galaxie we show) and out to eat with friends. Going out to eat is still hard for me to stay in control, I did get out for my walk one day and a bike ride today so that at least made me feel better, we'll see what the scale says on Wed.

Hope the rest of you had a good weekend.

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OK so Monday starts a new week for me. I will do better. I didn't lose but I didn't gain either so that is good I guess. I only got in 2 days of exercise last week but yesterday I did 2 hours of weeding and my thighs are telling me that I did a lot of squats! LOL Why is losing so hard? The good news is that hubby's b'day cake is gone and will not be available when MIL gets me mad!!!!:P:P:P:P No doubt that will happen but I'm just going to ignore her. Hubby went over yesterday to deliver her pills so I didn't have to see her this week either. Horrible that I like that.

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I am hoping this is a better week for me too. Just got off track last week with everything........exercise, tracking, portion control............not sure why ???? Anyway.........a new start today. I have WW tomorrow.

Woke up to thunderstorms rolling through AGAIN ! We have had more than enough rain. At least we are flooded out like a lot of people along the Missouri River are, but it is still depressing. I planned to give my house a good cleaning today, but it's so dark in here that I can't get enthused about cleaning when I have to have all the lights on to see. :(

I need coffee to get all my parts woke up and start the day. I was sleeping soundly when the phone rang and woke me.

Have a good day.

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