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When I sew my binding on using the LA I start at the bottom of the quilt sort of right of center...I leave about 8 inches of binding hanging loose and stitch across the bottom to the left corner...I stop about ¼" from edge...sew off onto the edge out of the way...miter the corner like everyone says (folding it back then back over) sew on the batting/backing edge around to where I want to start sewing again and go right back onto the quilt...I sew all the way to the top left corner (yes advancing the quilt as I go)...miter that corner...sew across the top to the right hand corner...miter that corner....down the right side (advancing quilt as I go)...miter the right corner...sew over until I get about 6 inches from start and I backtack...cut the binding leaving about 8 inches. This all takes maybe 15 minutes.

I do a consistant fat ¼" seam allowance and I use 2½" strips for the binding. I don't use any tools...after a while you get pretty good at sewing straight seams...I use my foot edge as my guide. I bought Anilee's, but I find I am faster and just as accurate free hand.

When I am finished I trim the quilt (cutting the back and the batting off) while on the LA. Leaving your seam allowance and a "touch" more so the batting fills out your binding...just like if you were doing it on the DSM. First cutting across the bottom then up both sides (first one side then the other side then advance some more) until I get to the top then I cut across it and the quilt it loose, binding on, trimmed and ready to be sewn on by hand or DSM.

One trick I read to do, even though I thought it was weird at the time, is do NOT press your binding before attaching. That was a hard one to "unlearn". Just fold your strip over and sew it on. Trust me...it WORKS. It lays beautifully.

I'm no expert and I am certainly no where as talented or experienced as you beautiful people on this forum, but this works for me.

Hitomi, this video will give you the idea. The video is short and there is 3 parts.

Like I said, I don't start at the top of the quilt nor do I start in the middle of my binding I start at the bottom of my quilt because that's where I am when I finish my quilt and want to add binding so I just deleted the extra work of advancing back to the top and coming back down again. And I don't start in the middle of my binding I start from one end leaving a tail and I do NOT press my strip first. I don't remember who told me about that, but it is better.

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Thanks for the pattern link I have ordered one too. I have never been able to figure out how to join the ends of my binding using a diagonal seam rather than just stuffing the end of the binding strip into the beginning. I have over the years bought various tools and instruction sheets and I still couldn't work it out, duh! When I was working on my last quilt it struck me that perhaps there was a video on You Tube showing how this is done. I found this video

and it worked first time. I was able put the computer next to my machine, watch a step, stop the video and sew until I got it. So for anyone similarly challenged take a look. There is also a video about putting on binding by the same person which I haven't watched but perhaps I will at some point.


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My Annilee binding tool sometimes seems like the space for the hopping foot is too tight too, and it doesn't want to slide. I also wish it had a longer slot so you didn't have to move it so often.

I just tried the not pressing the binding trick this week on a quilt. I like the way it works too. Also saves some time not getting tangled up in it when pressing it! Didn't help my one odd corner any but makes flipping to the front and machine sewing it work well.

Heather Mulder Petersen has instructions on her website www.ankastreasures.com for joining the diagonal seam that seemed to click the best with me.

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Lynne, that's the method I learned to use. I kept a sample in my sewing drawer for months and kept referring to it until it finally got lodged in my brain. :P I'm going to try the one Oma shared from the You Tube as well. I have always pressed my binding, but will try without pressing next time. Always something new to learn !

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Thanx for the link to the instructions for the two tone binding. I've ordered them and can't wait to try it out. I've been doing something similar to video that Marci Baker has done. I overlap my binding by the width of the binding. Then I twist it and sew across the diagonal. I find if I trim it a little short it usually works well and fits the quilt with no pucker or pleat.

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I do my personal ones (rare cause I don't get them done) on the longarm--stitch to front then I'll hand do them on the back. I have trouble wrestling that amt through my DSM.

I do have one ready to go on my machine but have to get a customer one done first.

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