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NQR - How hot is it???

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Guest Linda S

I don't know how you call can stand it. It's been in the low 80s here each day. Generally, I need to put on my fleece jacket in the morning when I get up to drink my coffee - it's usually in the low 50s then.

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It was 114 in the shade here in the country today. Supposed to be hotter tomorrow. Extended forecast all 3 digits every day. I don't ever remember it being this way. Fall cannot come too soon. We just had a small electrical blackout, too. Not good.

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ooo Cindy!! Not good to have electrical blackouts in this dang heat. you beat us a bit today. It's still 96 at 9:00.

I usually love the summer heat but this is a bit much. The air quality issues make it just plain hard to breathe if you are outside very long. Feel bad for those who work out in it.

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This is one hot summer....For a lot of reasons needed to travel this summer....early June, went to Iowa for nephew's wedding, was an "unusual" hot spell....days later left for CA for visit with mom recovering from cancer, was triple digits in Sacramento,,,,visited sister in bay area, was really unusual 98 degrees (they have NO airconditioning....) came home to GA ,,ie HOTLANTA, really humid and hot for the entire month of July, still in 90's for the 11:00 news at night.....NOW for the really good news...

Will travel this week to San Antonio for son's Air Force basic training graduation, it's supposed to be between 108 and 112 during that time...We will be outside quite a bit of the time....Watching airmen at various activities OUT IN THE SUN ..All this for a gal brought up in cool San Francisco area, never any need for air conditioning....of Norwegian heritage....with really pale skin and paler blue eyes.....without even mentioning the problem of hot flashes.....

I'm praying for fall, but I have to tell you, I live for my cold showers......:D:D Pat

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Dear ALL: thought I would update my post, I'm back from San Antonio, the graduation was one of the highlights of a mother's life, my son stood tall and proud.

During the ceremonies they have flags of different colors out, denoting how long or even if it will take place, depending on the temperature, the graduates were taught to go to a knee to signal to their instructors that they felt " strange", then the instructor would come and hold them by the elbow, walk them to the aide station, and get attention. What was strange, it was one of the experienced instructors who was first walked off....then about 6 graduates in the next few minutes. They are required to stand at attention in the sun on asphalt, total time more than 2 hours for the coin ceremony.

My son said the tops of his polished black dress shoes were burning his toes, he kept trying to curl his toes under to prevent pain....

It was really, really hot, and I can say that touring the Alamo wasn't what I would have wished. I stayed hydrated, and made it though

The graduation of the airmen that day was surely worth it though. Anytime you feel afraid for our country, just look at those wonderful men and women and realize how very lucky we are to have them and their very sincere vow to protect and serve the USA.

I'm not going to another single destination, I'm still hot....:D Pat

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Pat, glad that you and your family made it though the graduation. I imagine that you are s proud of your son.

It has cooled off some here in Kansas city and we have had some much needed rain. South of here is still in the hot dry weather hope they get a break soon.

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years ago a teacher friend told me her secret to staying cool in the lack of A/C and over heated temps/rooms. She would take a thin ice pack (for camping coolers) frozen and put it in a thin walled straw purse. Then she kept the purse in her lap with her wrists on the purse. The cool ice pack kept her cool most of the day of long stuffy meetings.

Pat, glad you had a good trip to watch the son. Tell him thanks for us.

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I am also tired of all this heat and humidity, at least if it would cool down in the evening and give us a few hours to cut the grass or walk the dog, maybe pull a few weeds, but that sure hasn't happened, even the pool is 95 degrees. that isnt much different than a bath tub.

Pat congratulations on your sons graduation, we are a military family as well and very proud of all who serve. Such a shame to lose those 30 Navy SEals this week, we pray for their families and such a tragic loss for our country.

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I can relate, my yard looks awful. The grass isn't growing but the crab and nut grass have loved this hot hot weather. The cooler weather has moved in so am hoping to get out and catch the yard up some this weekend. Asthma issues with all the orange air alerts have stopped me from doing anything outside. Have also had 2 quilts with deadlines so the yard has been on hold.

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I am almost afraid to say this, but it is 64 º here at 9 AM.........we might reach 80 today. A week ago today, it was nearly 100º !!!! Such a weird spring/summer it has been so far...........we about washed right off our hill in May/June, then baked to a crisp in July and early August.............now what ??? I can say I much prefer this 64º than the 100º.

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