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winners of the European Quiltchampionships

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Goood moooorning all!:D

We( Myrna and I) arrived back from the European Quiltchampionships in the Netherlands late yesterday evening!

We are really tired, but happy;):cool:

The first time ever in Europe the organisation has started a Longarm competition - we are really happy about this!:D

Out of this chat:

Anette Valtl (Germany) has won the 2.place in the Longarm Competition! Congratulations!:D

Birgit Sch?ller (Germany)has won 3.place in the Intermediate piecing competition. Congratulations !:D

And...ok....I?ve won as well!;):D

With my "Dance of silk and thread" - 1.place in the Longarm Comepetition!

More information you?ll find here: www.eqc.nl

We were all soooo happy!

And thanks soooo much to Anette and her husband and to Birgit?s husband for taking down our booth!

We have had soooo much fun!;):D

Have a great day....

best wishes from over the ocean....

Claudia Pfeil

Here a deatil of my winning quilt....

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Sounds like you had a blast!!

Congratulations to all of you - I remember that quilt from when you posted

a photo awhile back - way to go!!

Hope Myrna has a safe trip back home and doesn't loose anymore stuff!!

(you are going to let her come back over the ocean right!?!)

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Uau Claudia,

you are fast! even though you are so tired....

hope you recover soon....and be ready for more quilting.

I?m trying to post a pic of my quilt, in which I incorporated some subjects related to the "Golden Ratio" , a theme that has been fascinating me for a while... therefore the pentagon shape.

It was great to be on the show, I enjoyed it sooooooooooo much.



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Congratulations Claudia, Birgit and Anette,

I have met Claudia and Birgit in Waalre, where we had our stand as shopowner too. it was nice to meet you in person. I love your quilts. Next year I hope to have a quilt for the new contast 'memories' too, with my Millennium!

Sylvia Kaptein



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The black and white piano key design mixed with monochromatic strips is striking. Then you went one step further with embellishments to enhance your swirls. Very beautiful choices and execution.

The pentagon shape is really exciting and the blue on blue whole cloth look really gives an exciting palette for the shapes, the violin being my favorite. Those swirls in the background remind me of McTavishing and blend well with the music theme of that section, like notes floating.

Loved the sampler of stitching in the black area amid the colorful squares. You should get lots of customers with that quilt since so many will want their creations to look this lovely.

It's interesting to note that all three big ribbons went to APQS artists. Congratulations.


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