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Playing with IQ

Guest Linda S

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Guest Linda S

I've been bonding with my IQ - even before going to MQX and taking classes. The week before last I had a bubblegum pink and lavender quilt to do. Not really my thing, but it's for a 7-year-old girl, so I guess that makes it okay. The customer wanted butterflies and fairies, so I let my IQ take care of it. I put a butterfly border at the top, clipped out some of those butterflies and flip flopped them into the side blocks, and put some fairies in the lovely pillow tuck. They really aren't puckery -- I just had been rolling the quilt back and forth to do all that lovely meandering, so they look a bit poochey. The meander and the fairy panel fill are all freehand.

Argh - file is too big. I'll be back after I reduce them.

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Wow Linda,

I love what the IQ can do. I am so amazed. I thought computerized was going to take the fun out of quilting, but I see that it will only boost your creativity. I like the fact that you can hit a button and freehand anytime you like. Did you have to buy the fairy template or was it already in the IQ? Great job. Can't wait to get mine. They say it will be minimum 6 weeks. It'll be L-O-N-G 6 weeks. Maybe my Christmas present, LOL!

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Guest Linda S

I bought the fairy pattern - I think it is a border by Dave Hudson. The great thing about buying digital designs is, as soon as you buy them, they are available for download. No waiting around for them to show up in the mail! You can do so many things with just a snippet of a design. Many designers create large pattern packs which include borders, blocks, corners, etc. If you just buy the small motif (for about $5), you can make the other designs yourself by snipping and flipping!! It takes some time, but it's not all that hard. You can also use the catalog in the machine to assemble new designs from block or panto elements combined with geometric shapes. The possibilities are virtually endless. I thought I knew what this thing could do for me before it arrived, but I really had blinders on. It can do so much more than I ever dreamed. I love playing on a computer, and this is just heaven for me. :D

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Guest Linda S

I forgot to say, Hitomi, that I originally put myself on the IQ waiting list last October. I got mine July 15! So, six weeks isn't so very long to wait. I know - when you really want something, you are probably like me in that you want it NOW!! It's hard to be patient when you know something wonderful is coming.

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Guest Linda S

Actually, I think I can keep my rates about the same. The IQ sews so quickly, I get a lot more done now that I used to. As long as the business keeps coming in, I think the rates can hold level.

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I have been playing with my IQ also. Will post the picture of a Custom Quilt stitched with IQ 100 percent. I am binding the quilt right now. It is actually fun to discover stuff IQ can do with a touch of a button.

Merry Jo, you will have a blast, let's plan your visit in Bakersfield to play.


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Guest Linda S

IQ is becoming and addiction for me. I spent most of last evening just sitting here designing things. We're having a holiday bazaar and I've got lots of whole cloth candle mats, table runners, potholders, and things all set up to go on a big piece of muslin. I'll cut them apart, decorate with some fabric paints and dyes, perhaps a few crystals, and then all I have to do is bind them. I think they will be pretty and not too tacky. I think I'll also trace out some oven mitts using the trace feature, get them quilted up, cut out, and then I'll just stitch the pieces together. What a time saver! Have I told you how much I love this thing?

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I have a question......does IQ have the abiltiy to remember something that you stitched, and then duplicate it? And if it does can you go back and clean up that design on the computer software?

I read somewhere that people are installing it themselves. Does that mean that the IQ is now seperate from the longarm? No longer a need to actually alter the longarm itself. Or am I way of base, and confusing companies?

Thanks for any info. I would love to have one, have had a rep from Qbot tell me that Qbot can do all of the same things. But I'm guessing there is a reason for the difference in the price. Like speed, and what happens when the bobbin thread runs out.

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Guest Linda S

Deb - yes, you can record your quilting with the IQ and you can go back and clean it up with a function called smooth. IQ has never been invasive to the longarm itself. It plugs into the machine's wiring, and it's drivers take over moving the wheels, but it is totally detachable. You can take the tablet off and go sit somewhere with it to design. If you decide at a later time to want to sell it or move it to another machine, that is totally do-able.

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Hey Linda, your quilt looks great! I too am trying to learn IQ . Only had it for a short time, and only had my Millenium for a year, so learning everything at once! Takes so much time!!!

Does anyone out there remember the post recently regarding instructions for customers. I've searched and can't seem to get the words right. Any help is appreciated.

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Great job Linda!!! I'm going to an IQ advanced class this week, we're going to do wholecloths and stuff.

As Linda stated the IQ never was invasive to the LA machine. The APQS machines do not nor ever required pre-wiring for the IQ either.

IQ and Qbot are nothing alike.

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Yes, you can install the IQ yourself, after waiting for the dealer to arrive, I talked to Zoltan at MQX and he sent the pdf file on how to install it myself. With the help of DH of course. Just starting to play with it, and so far I love it. Glad I took lots of classes at MQX or I would have been feeling way over my head. The book by C Merry is almost a must have as well. IMHO. Now if I could only manufacture more hours in every day that I could dedicate to learning more about the IQ. LOL have a great day everyone. Marion in BC

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