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All this spam

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Can someone please explain to me the point of all this spam? Do people really find that they get "customers" from this?

I've also tried to report a couple of posts, but I seem to encounter some error. Not being computer literate, I don't know what to do. Therefore, if you see ones that haven't been reported, please do so.


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Beth these brainless idiots actually couldn't care about who buys and who doesn't.

They take delight in going onto a site, posting the garbage, and seeing our response.. they are called "Flamers".. They usually try to flame up a dispute or argument with the people there. They may even get "paid" for each post they make on a website. sad, isn't it??

We always just tried to ignore them, (or report them.) This particular dingdong is finding a way to slip by the managers without being detected.. also uses various names.. It may have more than one computer.. like 2 desktops, a portable standard size, and a mini just for checking email and the sites when traveling. They are less than a page of typing paper..

I will report when I can..

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Guest Linda S

Isn't that sad? I admit I spend way too much time on my computer, but most of it is looking things up in wikipedia, browsing for patterns, artistic ideas, etc. Can't imagine how some people get their jollies from stuff like spam.

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I don't know how they accomplish getting posts on chats like this, but one explanation to the email type spam is that it only takes seconds to reach millions with virtually free advertising. A profit is made if only one purchase is made, and there always someone that will fall for most anything.

I don't participate in many chats, not enough time...so I'm assuming this happens on other chats too. Sounds like a business op for some young computer whippersnapper find a solution to.


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Hi Everyone,

We will continue to "clean up" the spammers that post to the site. If you are the first to see it and "report" it, it does help greatly if you add to the post that it has been "reported"---and if you see that someone has already "reported" it then you will not need to report it a second time. That way we don't actually get 6-7 reports of the same spammer to wade through. Unfortunately I must look at every single report...the software doesn't "group" reports of the same thread together.

Thanks for all your diligence in helping to keep this site clean, safe and fun for all quilters!

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Dawn has really cleaned up the members list!

It's so easy to register and post here-no restrictions or approval needed. And as we have seen with our latest joke writer, easy to come back and do it again! We can be diligent and report each new violator immediately. And then post "reported" to save Dawn some time....

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I know I'm just being thick-headed, but how do we "report" these? I've seen the spam emails and at times was going to report them but the only thing I could think of was to hit "Reply" and type "Reported". This is probably intuitively obvious, but I am just wondering. And it does seem that others are very good at taking care of reporting anyway. It's just something that I keep wondering about and would just like to know. Thank you!

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First click on Reply for the post, and definitely add that you "reported" it. Then look back up at the offending post. When you look at the upper right side of the post, you will see the word "report". Click on that and add any info you need about it. I will then receive the notice and will go in and clean up the thread. Thanks for your help!!!!

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