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New Longarm, stitch cam and panto cam, Merry Christmas to me!

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I just want to share how much I enjoy this forum. You have been a huge part of keeping me sane this last two years, even though I don't post often and when I do it seem to be to sell stuff that I did not have a need for anymore. I've been without a long arm so long now that it seems forever - First my husband and I had health issues, then he decided we were moving, ( still looking for a place), and I have been going crazy wanting to get back on a long arm. So, I broke down and purchased another one. This one, I believe I can take down and move without any help with any of it except the machine itself. So it's staying no matter what! I bought an Innova. The frame has the appearance of a tinker toy set, but it is super sturdy. I was able to put it together by myself with the exception of placing the long arm on the carriage. I know that this forum is sponsored by APQS and I feel they are the bees knees, I just could not afford another Millie and I certainly would not be able to move it around by myself like I do this one. I'm no spring chicken anymore.

I would have loved to have had the pantovision, but can't afford it. This morning, my stitch cam and panto cam arrived from Kevin. This system is fantastic. Easy peasy to install, adjustable focus on the cameras, and great pictures. I certainly learned a lot about what my stitches look like close up. Boy do I need glasses! I believe I have the next best thing with Kevins' system. I will try to post a picture or two.

Thank you to all who have been here for me during this long two years of trying to buy and keep a longarm. I hope to be posting quilt pictures soon.


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Picture of Panto cam - this is the 2nd camera that is pointed at the laser on the table. I hope to be able to see the laser as it travels along the pantograph while standing at the front of the machine. It is not easy, kinda like driving backwards, but its easier the more I practice it. The white dot in the photo is the laser. I have the camera positioned about 6 inches above the table top. It's actually on the side of my stylus holder, the one used for pattern boards.


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Thanks everyone for all your words of encouragement. I still have to report to a day job or I would be quilting all the time. This is just the most fun I could have at this time in my life. Too old to learn to surf, too young for the rocking chair on the porch!

I've been asked what the difference is between pantovision and panto cam. Pantovision is from ABM and it's a computer program with the pattern digitized. Panto cam is a camera and a video screen combination used to follow the laser pointer from the front of the longarm, thus eliminating having to be at the back of the machine to quilt a pantograph pattern. No patterns are stored in the device like pantovision does. You can't tweak them- you are still using paper pantographs not digitized ones.


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I don't know of a website, but there are several posts here on the forum with other pics of the system. The inventor/seller is Kevin Johnson ph 618-623- 9915. If you do a search for posts with the words bobbin cam, stitch cam, panto cam, I'm sure you will find them.


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