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Circle Lord - Baptist Fan

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Yes indeed! Michael CALLED me as he was concerned I would get it wrong. The dot should be closest to you ie closer to the edge of the table but this also means the quilt should be loaded with the bottom edge at the 'top' , on the take up roller, if the quilt is directional. Thank you Michael - great customer service!

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Originally posted by Corey

Yes, Michael and Kay are the best customer service people I have done business with. Michael, thanks for taking good care of Circle Loard Fans.


Ditto that! I did think that the hole should be at the bottom, but I didn't want to give the wrong advice. Besides, I knew Michael would chime in with the correct instructions.

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According to our instructions, you lay the template across the

back of the table with the fans in the up-right directions.

Then the hole will be at the bottom of the template, closest to


When you work from the front you are starting along the basted edge, at the bottom of the quilt, for the quilt in front of you. If there were writing on the quilt, you could read it. If you go to the back, it would be upside down.

When you put a Cl template on the back, you lay it down in the direction that shows the pattern in the right side up position.

As with pantos, the registry holes are at the bottom closest to you. You will also be quilting from the bottom up and be able to

read any writing, or see picture properly. Hope this helps.

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