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Darn still having pole troubles

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I am ready to pull my hair out...... Every time I advance a quilt the screw caps on the end of my rollers come un-screwed after a few rolls and the poles fall out. It happens to all three, but mostly the backing and take up roller. I know I have told you guys this before, but it did not start until we moved. When getting Mable ready to move I bought the little colored sticky dots placed matching color on EVERY thing that was

dis-assembled, We put her back according to color and then when this happened we went back to the manual and checked. It looks like it is right, but at this point I am at a loss. I have a discovery and the one peice Lenni table. can someone post a close up of the direction the leaders are supposed to roll and unroll? PLEASE! Maybe I have them wrong. I just know it scares the POOP out of me everytime the roller falls out of the end of the frame. Also I am not sure if it is the quilts I have been getting or the way it is winding, but it seems like they are having some slop on one of the ends, not the same end. I did pin the leaders and run a stitch along the length as in the squaring your leaders post and they are pretty close (may a needle off) they were replaced right before we moved and are not stretched out.. I am at my wits end. Can someone please help??? Thanks again Jacque

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Well first let me ask a totally dumb question. On the pole caps did you use an Allen wrench and tighten the screw that recessed in the edge of the silver cap?

The three cloth leader poles should have a stamp on the right corner of each leader. The two poles front side should read quilt top gor the top pe and quilt back for the one goes right below it The take up one goes on the back top.

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:o:o OMG! Something is not assembled right. Those rollers do not fall off like that.

First, take close up photos of how your rollers are installed. You can post them here for us to look at, or you can email them to APQS and get advice. Do you have your install instructions for the rollers? If not, some can be sent to you quickly via email.

Please please do not use this machine (advancing the rollers) until you know you've got things installed correctly.

For the rollers. The leader on the take up roller should be so it's flipping over away from you and around the back.

The top roller leader should be like a waterfall. Over the top toward you to the front.

The backer roller leader should be the same way.

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Originally posted by miss jacque It looks like it is right, but at this point I am at a loss. I have a discovery and the one peice Lenni table. can someone post a close up of the direction the leaders are supposed to roll and unroll? PLEASE! Maybe I have them wrong.

I don't have a picture to post, but where the printing on the leaders is should be on the right side of each roller. Each leader is stamped with either Backing, Quilt top, etc. these should each be at the right side of the table. The backing roller is the lower one on the front, the quilt top roller is the upper front one and then the take up leader is the farthest back one. Try putting some lock-tite on the screw end caps and then screw them in again. this should help stop them from unscrewing as you roll the quilt up.

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Thank you all.....Well every thing looks right, all stamped learders are to the right (when at the back or panto side of the table). All the color coded dots I placed when moving match up. Hubby reminded me that they did not dissemble the table, the brackets that hold the poles were never removed when we moved, just the poles machine head and carriage were removed I think Mable misses her old home, unfortunatly I do not so she is going to have to adapt. I am so stumped..I will try to do a pic. jacque

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Jacque, the stamped leaders should be to the right when you are standing in front of your machine, not when you are in back ready to do a pantograph. Also, try putting a washer on the screw before the nut. THat's the way that my original table was set up when I bought it new. I have since upgraded to the Bliss frame on the new table, but did not have any issues with the poles coming unscrewed so something has to be wrong and I'm guessing it's because you have the poles mounted backwards. Good luck! Let us know if this works once you turn them around.

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my understanding is there are different formulas. Permanent and removable. I guess I should have clarified. I would only recommend the removable, since you don't want it permanent, just a little extra help to hold the screw in place. But after reading her last post, I believe the rollers are on backwards, which may be the problem.

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Look under the Lenni forum for discussions on this topic. I have the unscrew problem. What Judy recommended did help me. Someone recommended putting something like tape on the inside at both ends of the poles. I have not had a chance to try this but I think it may just be the ticket. I get the unscrewing on the left side, from the front of the machine. I just make checking the end cap a part of my 'process' each time I roll. It is habit now so I don't have the surprise of it falling out.

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Ok thinking maybe Marylyn was right I took off the poles and turned them , No I had them right, the quilt did not lay right the other way. Remember I changed leaders so I may have them turned, but when I put them back the quilt sandwich laid together better. I put another quilt and it is still doing it. Hubbie suggested the white plumbers tape to make it more snug, Think I will try that and if that fails I guess it is time for the lock tight. BTW I tried for an hour to do a picture and learned a very important lesson..This chick is computer stupid. thanks again Jacque

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Thanks guys, did nothing and this time (queen quilt) only got one loose pole and caught it before it fell out. I like the idea of electrical taple, like it just as much a duct(duck) tape. I have another quilt to due (my first time all batics) so we will see what happens. Thanks again every one. Jacque

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