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My new written policy re: donation quilting

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I to have been thinking about how to handle some charity quilting. I too have gotten burned by a quilter who asked me to do a charity quilt but always has another longarmer quilt her quilts. I'm thinking about doing something like a punch card . I would punch only for e2e quilting. After ????? ( So many) punches they can turn in card for free quilting on a charity quilt. Twin. This way I can get more e2e quilts to do and repeat customers.

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Betty Ann--great idea! The only thing I might change concerning your idea is to offer this freebie without mentioning donated quilting. Share with all your customers to reward them for repeat business. Then when someone asks about donated quilting you can show them the process. This is a nice/sneaky way to let them know that you're a professional and yet charitable. And that they need to show some loyalty to you to use this great offer.

Another hint---put a time limit on the offer. Usually a year when you are starting the program will build you a base of loyal customers. Discontinue the offer after a year but still honor the punch cards until they get to the freebie. Sometimes it takes a while!

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  • 1 year later...

What requirements do you have for people who bring you donation quilts.  Our guild was having a goal of 50 smaller than twin size quilts for a local charity.  I offered to do them for 15.00 a piece and that would be my donation.  I would do as many as I could squeeze in to my schedule.  I was glad I could get to 11.   I wasn't afraid of getting too swamped since there are so many in the guild that have LA's and we had 3 months.


What I didn't expect  was the shape of things they brought me.  I didn't expect to do pressing out hard wrikles and trimming really crooked backings and battings just so I could load them on the frame.  It seems like they would have a little respect for me since I am saving them money on their quilts.  One ladies batting had so many different types of batting pieced together it was like a jigsaw puzzle and of course not smooth.  She brought 3 quilts and one of them had the selvage with the fabric info on it, pieced in the middle of the quilt.  I thought she must be a beginner, but when she came to pickthem  up I saw the quilted jacket she had made with very accurage 1/2 matched squares.  Why do people want to use junk for their donation quilts?


After I got her quilt tops I sent an email to the guild members asking them to prepare their tops, battings and backings so all I have to do is load them on my frames and quilt them.  I told them that although I was just charging them 15.00, I was not just doing a 15.00 job.  On several of them I went out of my way to do a custom job. I also trimmed them for them after I quilted them.  I will see if any of them  come back later for me to do their quilts.  I will also pay attention at the next guild meeting to see if all of them arrive.


Thanks for all the tips that you all have given about charity quilts.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I've been burned recently concerning donation quilting. Here is my new policy sheet for donation quilting. "Donation of quilting services cannot be used by the quilter as a business tax deduction--per state and federal law. Since this offering is a true donation, my name as the quilter must be included on the label of the quilt. Any media/print/internet advertisement that mentions the maker(s) of the quilt by name must also include my name as the quilter. Any monies or objects of value collected for this quilt through raffle, auction, outright sale, or barter must go to a verifiable non-profit group. The possible tax deduction taken by the donor of the quilt must not include the value of the quilting. Please sign and date below." Big trouble in Linda-land---but it won't happen again!!:mad:


May I quote your policy for my longarm business?  I do quilt for charity and have also had one disappointing experience and would like to prevent another.  So sorry someone took advantage of you.

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I was asked to do some charity quilts, for a couple ladies in the guild.  When I didn't see them in the stack of quilts being offered,

I made it clear I would only do the quilting, they had to provide the backiing and batting with my ok on that.


The exception is Quilts of Valor mostly for those who were injured, or became ill from other things, like Agent Orange and the

Gas in the Gulf war.


My hubby put in 22 years, our daughter put in 9 years and was injured on the job though not in a war.  Our s-i-l put in 6 years

and is fairy sure he got a nuke treatment when he was in the power plant of the USS EnterpriseI know of a man heree in Sanford

that one of our daughters works for who was twice almost dipped in Agent Orange.  He not only needs a quilt, which I'm getting

for him, but the military folks need to honor his disability.. MS


Since the announcement about charity or what I call Community Service quilts, I've only been asked to quilt small quilts for members

who have, or will be moving away.  There is more than one laq in our guild, so it is being passed around amongst us.  We don't

discuss our involvment with each other in the la circle.


I will always do Quilts of Valor  (Thats my choice ;o) )  and as long as I can and have the supply of backings and battings, provide them.


I think that is my "THING" but I can fully understand your positions.

I'll stop grandstanding now.  lol


Just be aware of crooks, and enjoy what you choose to quilt! 


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  • 3 years later...

So I was surprised to read that quilting service 'donations' can't be used as tax deductions??  I'm in Kentucky, is this a state-by-state thing or is it a federal thing?  Can you tell me the reference?  I'm asking because my husband was telling me to keep track of the charity quilts I've done for tax purposes.  I only do 1 QOV per quarter and I've done a couple of small ones for friends.  Surprising how people view longarm businesses, they should come in and do one of their own so they can see what's involved!

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Not an official answer, only information for you to research and then discuss with your tax preparer.   


Any business can make contributions to charitable organizations but there may be limits on these deductions, and the contributions may only be deductible to the individual owners, not to the business.  New Tax Law and Charitable Giving The 2017 tax reform law has changed the landscape of charitable giving. The standard deduction has almost doubled for 2018 and beyond. The new standard deduction is $12,000 for singles (up from $6,350 for 2017) and $24,000 for married couples who file jointly (up from $12,700). 


https://www.irs.gov/publications/p526  Table 1 far right column, Not Deductible As Charitable Contributions, Value of your time or services



explains how to bunch charitable and possibly tax payments to exceed new IRS standard deduction limits every other year.  

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