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Looking for ideas. My local animal shelter that I volunteer at is in need of dog beds ( right now the lay on concrete with a pillow case). I would like to raise funds to buy atleast 20 shelter type beds for them. My idea is to offer simple meander say lap size quilts/ t-shirt quilts. The beds are 75 to 100 dollars each. I do not have any client base so this will be a new thing for me. I would like to be able to buy a bed per quilt but wondering if I should quilt the quilt for 100.00 and the customer supplies the materials is this a good deal? Should I have the animal shelter collect the fees for service or what to show that the funds are going to buy the beds? I am sure someone has ideas or experience with this that could give some advice.

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Our guild did something a bit different to help the local animal shelter , we made the animals small quilts to sleep on and not beds. They way they could be washed. We had a free motion class and asked member to bring their quilt sandwiches cut to two different sizes, one that is the size of the cat kennels and one the size of the dog kennels. Everyone had fun practicing their quilting with no stress their stitches weren't perfect as the dogs and cats wouldn't notice their meandering wasn't spaced perfectly or their swirls were not round! We then serged all the edges and donated all the little quilts to the shelter. The shelter was very appreciative of our donation and we all felt great.

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You may want to contact APQS reps as they have lots of sample quilts that they have aquired during shows/classes/demos that they have no need for.

I was able to get several for the animal shelter here and I just ran a serged edge around them to finish them off. They can be washed and are like quilts (without the expense) for the dogs to lay on. They can be washed repleatedly and the shelters are always looking for more of these.:)

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my guild did the same as Kathy and her guild, plus we never had so many who were willing to practice/learning free motion quiltings techniques. so we had a pizza party, spent about three hours together getting to know each other better, learned and shared and the animals had something warm and cushy to sleep on and the shelter staff were all happy. Members who did not participate in the processed, but had practice peices at home brought them in to be serged and/or just gave the fabric and the batting. It all worked out great and didn't cost anyone any great deal of funds, just a few hours of socializing :):cool:


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Several years ago I contacted our local animal shelter and told them I had quilted (and finished) 'sandwiches' that I wanted to donate for them to use as bedding. I was told, "No thank you. The animals will scratch and pick at the quilting and then start swallowing the picked-out threads." They preferred old towels (and wouldn't the animals pick at those loops?...). Oh well. Contact them ahead of time to be sure that what you are donating can be used.

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Thanks for all the ideas i have already made mats out of pillow cases for the cats with old case and left over batting. But for the dogs they really need a bed like the kurundra bed that was what I was looking at. Less for them to chew on and will get the dogs up off the floor because they spill their water alot. Will work on blankets for the dogs also and if they tear them up then they know not to give them another one I guess. But really want to get the beds and trying to figure out a way to afford them by trade money for services.

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