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New Tension Dial

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I just gotta say...I was disappointed how hard it was to get my tension right with Stitch, my Freedom. I ordered a new Tension assembly and just replaced the outside part of the assembly. Now it sings a totally new song. Works like one right off the assembly line. Today all day I quilted with beige in the bobbin (Glide) and gold in the needle (Metro) and my tension was to die for beautiful. Not a bobble! Isn't it great to feel like you have a new machine when you only spent about $15. I am as happy as a clam!!!! ^_^

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Guest Linda S

Woo hoo! It's nice that every now and then just a simple little thing can make all right with the world. APQS makes great machines. If you have one that's not stitching well, you know there has to be something that just needs tweaking. I'm so glad you discovered what yours was!

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I had a similar experience with my Freedom, but with a different fix. For months it seemed that I couldn't maintain a consistent tension. The other week I wanted to use monolon on a Halloween hanging of mine and thought I had better really loosen the tension -I loosened it all right, to the point that it fell into my hand. I had to call APQS to check the order/ direction for putting it back together. Quick, easyfix & beautiful stitches no problem and then a light bulb moment! Months ago the tension screw & washer fell into my hand as I was trying to adjust it. Put it back & carried on. Who knew that there is a right way & a wrong way to put that washer on. Not me! It is slightly concave & ridged on one side. Check with service if yours falls into your hand and avoid a lot of frustration.


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