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Help with Bliss installation

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Hi, we're installing my new Bliss system, have it completed, but what keeps the machine from rolling off of the back of the carriage? If I push Gracie all the way back, she comes off the carriage. The old carriage had a bolt to keep her from going off the back. Is there more than one size of carriage? I've read the directions multiple times but must be missing something? I'm sad because I'd hoped to finish a quilt this weekend.

Thanks in advance--any help appreciated

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Actually Barb, it does. Had my DH stand on the back side and if I push the head all the way back to the leveler bar the back drops right off the carriage. Did we reassemble something wrong? Everything looks like it did before--roller wise.

This carriage is 8" shorter than my old carriage--should that be right?

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Liz, I'll have to go downstairs and measure carriages - don't have Bliss but Quilt Path came with the new carriage - but here's a thought: is it possible that you have the front and back ends of the carriage swapped? I have installed Bliss machines and helped with Bliss upgrades and never had a head run off the back.... You might want to re-post this in "APQS Help" - maybe Amy or Dawn will see it and chime in.

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Thanks, I'll check that. I wondered if there was a different sized carriage for the lenni and they gave me the wrong one? I'll go see if I can tell. Been playing on just the front of a practice piece--with a clamp on the rear of the carriage so she doesn't fall off and I'm loving it. Really, diagonals without a ruler, right on. This is crazy good.

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Hi, we're installing my new Bliss system, have it completed, but what keeps the machine from rolling off of the back of the carriage? If I push Gracie all the way back, she comes off the carriage. The old carriage had a bolt to keep her from going off the back. Is there more than one size of carriage? I've read the directions multiple times but must be missing something? I'm sad because I'd hoped to finish a quilt this weekend.

Thanks in advance--any help appreciated

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Yes, that is the hole set they are bolted to. I'm at a loss, we've gone over and over the instructions and the carriage is just 2-3 inches short of me being able to push the head all the way back to the leveling bar. Would the carriage for a lenni be shorter and is it possible they gave me the wrong one?

I really appreciate all the help from everyone. thanks

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Hi, we're installing my new Bliss system, have it completed, but what keeps the machine from rolling off of the back of the carriage? If I push Gracie all the way back, she comes off the carriage. The old carriage had a bolt to keep her from going off the back. Is there more than one size of carriage? I've read the directions multiple times but must be missing something? I'm sad because I'd hoped to finish a quilt this weekend.

Thanks in advance--any help appreciated

Hi I am new to this forum,but I have had my millie for 9 years now. I upgraded to the Bliss last year and my machine too kept rolling off the carriage. My dh drilled a small hole in the new bliss carriage and put a rubber coated bolt in the carriage, similar to the old system. That stops it from rolling off. I thought we had done something wrong too, but if you frame is machine is an oldie but a goodie it may be the same thing as mine. Hope this helps. Debbie
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Yay, I think we have resolved this. I noticed that I had a second hole on the bar the leveling bar is mounted on and I could scoot the leveling bar about an inch forward. This seems to be enough to keep Gracie on the carriage--the rear wheel ends on the edge but hopefully she will not be able to fall off while quilting.

Thanks to everyone for their suggestions and patience with me.

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Hi Liz,

It sounds like I've come late to the party! I apologize that there was some confusion regarding your new Bliss. You did the right thing...on the older square leg tables, the leveler bar was situated in a different location because of the carriage style on older tables. Moving the leveler bar forward should prevent the machine from rolling off your new Bliss carriage. When the tables changed from square to round legs in the mid-2000's the leveler bar moved to a different location, and the carriage length changed. Your older carriage must have been of the vintage before that, when the carriage itself was much longer (and had a bumper on it).

You will have a little less quilting space than before, and that's normal when converting the square-leg table to Bliss. Quilters with 4 rollers and square legs may lose a small bit, but those quilters whose very old tables never had a leveler bar (mine, for instance) will lose up to 6 inches of space. That's because the Bliss is designed to accommodate that leveler bar, and when it's not there, the machine can roll too far back and will indeed fall off the back of the table. Let me know if you have questions!

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Thanks Dawn and everyone for the help. I was going to call tomorrow with questions and pictures --didn't see your post til now had a grandson birthday party and another grandson baptized this weekend so not much computer time. I think I lost about 2" on quilting space, but SO worth it. Bliss is fabulous. Finished a quilt I'd been dreading for some time as it had a lot of diagonal feathers on it. It was so worth the $$.


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