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I DID IT !!!

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I was bored and just scrolling around still trying to get back into learning this new site change so some how I ended up on my profile page and tried to put a pic on me ,WOW ,I just clicked on the first pic taken last night and added it ,no renaming or resizing or nothing ,just hit the button and it was there ,......time to go take pics of my quilts again if its this easy ,I am so thrilled !!! Must of been alot of changes while I was away ,thanks to making it user friendly again !!!

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Libby ,I live in New Albany ,PA,originally from estern NC ,married a usmc and moved here to his home town . Thank you all for the warm greeting ,lol,now there theres a face ,but now I am right back where I started ,the pic was taken with hubbys new tablet ,not my reg. cam to computer way of uploading so back to the drawing board but for now I guess I will take my pics with his tablet and just send them to my e-mail to save ,we are not tech people at all ,I bought the tablet for hubby since I thought it might be easier for him since he has never been on a computer ,.....update .....my idea still is not working ,still seems too complicated for him to comprehend,maybe I need to find something easier than facebook to start him with . Lisa I am no crossfitter ,never spent a single day at the gym (and I never have my hair up except for weddings ) but my son is a professional gym trainer so the pic was meant as a joke to him because he might be moving back into our area. .

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