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Quilt Naked formerly LAer's who smoke

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Okay, this post is very interesting.

Kenna -- Not sure what you look like but I'm stuck on that image of quilting naked with smoke coming out of your pores...... ???? Okay, I've got to clear my head for a minute.

I quit smoking -- it will be ten years this June. I tried quitting for about 25 years to kick that nasty habbit. My Mother is a staunch anti-smoker and I THINK I kept my smoking as secret from her -- maybe. I'll never know because if I ever bring it up, I'll never live it down. But she's never come out an accused me of being a smoker. She did catch me when I was 14. Unfortunately, that wasn't enough to stop me from taking it up.

I'm with you'all -- my sense of smell is much better since I quit and the smell of cigarette smoke to me is not very pretty. I am ashamed to have smelled like that -- and I didn't even know it. I never told my husband that I smoked but I also never smoked in front of him. Who did I think I was kidding!

Keeping my current quilting room odor free is next to impossible since it is right next to our kitchen. However, building it about 100 yds from the house might be an answer. That and using a good air purifier. Who knows? I thought Fabreez was a good suggestion.

Allergic to kitties (break out in hives -- so I cannot hide it no matter how much I want to cuddle 'em), sensitive to perfume, and very, very sensitive to rodent dander. I can always tell when someone has mice or rats (intentionally or unintentionally and yes, some folks do have them as pets) or hamsters or chinchillas, etc. So I understand both sides.

Bottom line, we learn to deal -- you accept whatever you're willing to put up with. It's all a choice and you need to communicate. Folks are not as difficult sometimes as we think they are.

Kenna - go get dressed, girl.

And Judi -- don't give up the chocolate. Don't you know dark chocolate is used for medicinal purposes? It's good for you, honey. Don't go stressing out because someone says you need to cut it out. That's rediculous. Just get yourself some Dove dark chocolate bites.

Have a wonderful day. I'm heading outdoors for a nice long walk in this gorgeous weather. Wish you could join me!

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LOL, that's the same vision I had and at 52 years old it was not pretty, can't believe I even got the offer! I think I hurt his feelings 'cause I laughed right out loud! Still awfully tempting...weighing it out...a free 20,000.00 Millie and a 25 x 40' studio in a huge log home...a housekeeper... in exchange for some occasional naked quilting...have to add in the music and headbanging....nah, my morals are winning here! Now if he'd proposed first we might have had a deal...so keeping my clothes on thank you!

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Mary Beth - I am wishing I did!! I have a VERY descriptive and vivid mind set

about things - sometimes I just wish I could shut it off..... like now maybe!!


It sure is fun to chat here with you all! I will pass on the naked quilting,

it hurt bad enough fully dressed, with apron on, when I bent over that

bowl of pins - yeicks!!!!!!!! Pierced my what??!!??:mad: Still hurts just

thinking about it!

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My husband has been warned not to bring anybody back to my quilting room unannounced. We have halogen lights on both sides of the room and they tend to warm you up real good. I have been caught in my bra and blue jeans several times, music blaring and my back to the door. He just laughs at me and shakes his head.

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I just read in "Bottom Line Personal" that....dogs that live with smokers have a 60% greater risk of developing lung cancer than dogs of nonsmokers. the risk was even higher for dogs with short or medium-sized noses, such as pugs and poodles. Something to think about with all those cute helpers you all have.

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OMG, y'all are a riot! Judi could talk about her piercings.....add one of Sherry's lime green Sharpies and we're getting into tats! Now I've got naked, headbanging, smoking pores, pierced & tats quilting going on in my head! And I thought naked headbanging sounded painful...

He's 80 years old going on 50 and one of my best friends, I'd marry him in a heartbeat but he won't marry anyone he hasn't lived with for 6 months and I won't live with anyone I'm not married to! Plus I'd be the Anna Nichole of quilting! Oh geez, just added Anna to the picture....it's time to find something else to think about!I'm changing the topic title, there are a lot of people missing the fun because they think this is still about smoking....but we've evolved!

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Then there are what I charge for batting, thread, ironing, piecing, backing, the actual quilting...you know, all those PITA charges! Hey! Then I could buy another machine! Set up a shop! Hire some help! I might need to change the title of this topic to "Marketing Ideas", or "How did YOU get YOU're start?". And I'll name my machine Gypsy Rose Lee.

So now I think we have a new acronym: QN


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Isn't it remarkable how a womens conversations evolve..look at the topic...from a serious topic of LA smokers - a real political debate...to NAKED QUILTING!!! And by the way...I have a motto too, "What happens in the studio...stays in the studio!" No one will ever know the state of my person!!

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Loving all of this!

Not a fan of smoking or pets. Just me. Can see both sides though. I really appreciate the tact and class you have all shown on the topic of "LA'ers who smoke"!

Now this naked stuff.....

My son just got his life's traumatization. I will say no more. Except; he's almost 13! ARGH! Poor thing!

Love to be naked.

I have been asked many times in my old profession to cut hair topless.

Like some of you I will get naked for the right price. I have no shame.


Kenna, I think I can say with out offending you that you are completely crazy! I LOVE it! You are one fun girl! For the record I would never compare you to Anna crazy!

Teresa, I had not seen: ROFLMAO! LOVE IT!! Laughing is my most prized activity. I often roll on the floor doing it. Also been known to *tinkle*!!

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This has turned into a lot of fun, although it didn't start out that way.

I had hoped when I started this that it would get alot of responses, I knew some would be negitive & I stuck my neck out. I think there are more smokers out there with good, educational information that they could contribute but didn't because they didn't want to become targets themselves or get into a politically correct confrontation. This was not meant to be devisive but informative. I think it got pretty mean, and that it disappointing. This is a legitimate topic that should be rationally addressed. We are all here to learn from each other, and no one should be made to feel like they are being ostrasized for any reason. I am fully aware of the hazards involved in smoking and the sensitivity of some others to the odor as is very other smoker on the face of this planet. I was unsuccessful in trying to address the subject in a polite and reasonable manner. The conversation became redundant and off topic. The topic was "how to best service our customers as a smoker", not "what is your opinion about people who smoke". There were some excellent responses and I am grateful for those as I'm sure are many lurkers out there who would like to have access to this information both now and in the future. Now, when a search on the topic is done there will be something there to help, (or not as the case may be). My fear is that this might discourage others from participating in these chats with other equally legitimate topics. But it's all here for posterity now.

On the bright side... I think I've found my niche, I'm going to take all those smokie, pet hair, household odor quilts that everyone else is turning away 'cause I'm not allergic to anything! So, back to QN! Looks like the concensus is that I move in, shuck my clothes and get my machine and studio for free! Maybe name the machine Anna. And yes, I went and had a smoke before hitting post to give myself time to be sure I wanted to post this! LOL!

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Kenna, I'm sure people will read the topic, just out of curiousity. And when they do they will see that it started out as serious. We all need to have a little fun once in a while, so don't think anything more about.

I can't help much with how a smoker should best service the customers. I am a non-smoker. The smell of smoke turns my stomach. I have students whose parents (yeah right) smoke in the mornings and the kid comes to school smelling like smoke. I can smell it right away.

I have had a lady bring me a quilt that smelled horribly like smoke. I just let it hang in the back bathroom for a couple of days, and that helped some. I was able to quilt it and deliver it. I delivered it to her daughter, who must not smoke, because she said it smelled of smoke. I explained that it was that way when I got it. She acknowledged that her father is a very heavy smoker.

Anyway, just tell your customers up front that you smoke, but not in the house and definitely not around their quilt.

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Thanks Teresa,

That was great! I'm going to make sure that it's understood that I am a smoker, but that my studio is smoke free, & pet free, but may not be completely fragrance free, (forgot to mention that I am a candleholic). And that I do all possible to prevent the transferr of odors. I'll recommend that if they are exteremly sensitive to fragrances or other odors that they might consider _________to work on their quilts, and be prepared with information of other LAer's in the area to refer to. I think that would be a good idea to have that info on hand anyway since someone might not especially like my style of design but want to know of someone else with a little different style. Any thoughts on that? Is the community so competitve that there seems to be a problem recommending others?

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Kenna - I think you did a great job trying to cover the topic - and yes - you

can have all of those smokey and hairy quilts!! I have had a couple and

beleive me - I charged for them! I don't care if they come back or not - I

would perfer that they didn't.....

As for the community competition - it can be nasty! I do not have a LongArm

buddy that I could trade and help out with quilts around here, wish I did.

I have had one referal from a quilter who only has a 10' frame and the

quilt was 120" x 120". I know that is was HER customer, and I don't expect

to have her back, unless she has another big one. That's o.k. too, I am

busy enough. I think that I have built up a nice customer base and have a

few ladies that keep coming back - they like what I do and thats great!

p.s. I think we all like a nice candle burning now and then - personally I like

only the spice ones, pumpkin - cinn, vanilla and such.... NO florals for me!

Too much like a perfume then..... yucky! Do you really think THAT smell

would linger on a quilt? I guess I wouldn't find that to be a bad thing, but

others might. I would LOVE the fresh baked bread smell.... yummy!!

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I have a candle I burn in my kitchen (it's almost used up now.) It is called Birthday Cake. I bought it at Sam's Club in NOvember. It smells just like birthday cake baking. It makes the whole house smell yummy. I don't think it lingers on my clothes because I've never had anybody tell me I smell like a birthday cake.

The thing I'm worried about is the barn smell. I always wear old clothes to the barn, an old nasty pair of books, etc. And I would never wear those clothes into the house, especially not the sewing room, but I wonder if those smells linger. Of course I've never had anybody tell me I smell like animal, either; so I guess I'm okay.

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You know I never thought about candles and the smells that they put off. I always have candles burning....I've had customers comment on the wonderful smells that I always have and then they never mentioned it again. I'm sorry maybe I'm slow, but I just never thought about it or that the smells were getting onto their quilts. Gee's maybe I'm just not on the same plain as I should be.

Now if it had been a bacon or another food smell I might have thought about it, but the candles were just something I enjoyed and never thought about it. I love going into a store that has either potpouuri and candles burning...and that's what I wanted for my customers. I wasn't trying to cover up any of the smokey quilts if I had any at the time I just liked the smells. And now its been brought to my attention that I may have not only offended someone, but kicked in their possible alliergies, now I feel bad. No, one said anything, but it should have been up to me to be more considerate.

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Guest Linda S

I've enjoyed reading this thread too. I don't think that anyone has intended to be nasty. You will find that former smokers are always very zealous about telling people to quit because we know how much better we feel and how much we detest the smell, so we know what we're talking about. We want the same for you and improvement in health -- it has absolutely nothing to do with being politically correct. As Whoopie Goldberg says, "I am an equal opportunity offender."


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