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Here is some spring!!! :-) MORE PICS

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Okay those in the snow. Here are a few of the spring flowers in my yard today. Wish you could be  here to enjoy. I added more in another post




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002 by delld1964, on Flickr
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Dell, thank you for sharing your garden! Do you know the name of that pretty purple flower? I love the shape of the leaf!  It's spring here, too, thrown in with a bit of winter chill yesterday. I wish we could rewind to winter! We didn't get enough rain here  :(

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The Purple Violets are not native to Florida. I treasure them.   We have a very light lavender dog tooth violet over in the panhandle.The purple violets were all over the place in North Carolina when I lived there millions of years ago!!!!!!  I would pick them for my MOM!!!

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Oh yes, purple violets! My mom grew them in containers in the house in San Diego. I had forgotten about them. No wonder I love the leaves ... they bring back childhood memories! My dream is to travel to the south and to the coastline around North and South Carolina. I bet the flora is beautiful there.


Kathy, I love your white snowy pictures on your blog but I can imagine you are craving some color about now!! 

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Ahhh. . thanks for sharing the beautiful pictures!

I have 3 purple crocuses blooming and the tulips, daffodils & lilies are coming up.  Soon our grove and a good part of our lawn will be covered with purple and white violets. Not by choice, they're more-less a weed here but they're so pretty I don't mind. 

Hope nothing gets nipped by our cold temps this week - close to freezing again!  Good quilting weather!

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Our Daffys are on the wane, we have one that is double, white and pale orangey pink.


It is also a double flower.


Hyacinth are in full bloom, wild violets are blooming all over  the back yard.


Iris are coming up, the first tulip bloomed yesterday.. orangish with a yellow trim on

the petals.


our Dogwood, the odd ones, that bloom yellowish and gradually turn almost white.


Fruit trees and ornamentals are blooming, one next door with white blooms is loosing it's

petals now.


Pine Pollen is leaving it's color all over cars, decks, flowers, comes into the house on

clothing, just a nasty mess.  It starts out a light yellow, and gradually when enough has

come down and heading towards the end of the pollen, it turns a greenish..  Car washes

do a LOT of business during this season.


Our disciduous trees, spelling that is horrible.. are leafing out, our Prickly pear are putting

on new lobes.. temps above 75 this week are forcast, and I feel as though spring has sprung.


Oh, my pink  daffy's aren't blooming yet.  The crocus bloomed and hurried out of their

pretty blooms in the cold, cold weather..


I just love flowers, green grass, most trees, and have fast become a non fan of Oak trees,

and their lovely acorn, which the last couple years seem to have bumper crops.. Our gravel drive

was nearly covered last year.. they sprout by the hundreds in the lawns and fortunately will die

when first mowed.  They make me remember the tiny dogwood in Alaska.. I think about 8-10"

when in bloom, usually only one pair of leaves, sometimes a bit more.  Perma frost controls

their size. So pretty and precious.



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Here are a few pictures I took this morning. Some are the wild flowers popping up in the yard! Wish I could let you smell and feel our spring! This will just have to do! ;)



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argggghhhh!  nowhere do folks appreciate spring flowers more then those in northern Minnesota.....After the last storm last week, I now have a snow drift that completely covers part of my 4 foot chain link fence for the dogs and the dog house has once more disappeared under a blanket of snow...another storm warning for this afternoon althought the sun is now shining...they say will get another 3-7 inches....and another storm on wednesday...hopefully that one will at least be part rain....I will dance for joy when the first dandylion pops up and will never, ever, say anything bad about the weeds popping up in my yard!  Lin

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Gee, Adelle, that snow is beautiful but I agree I would want spring really bad this time of year. 


Karen your flowers are beautiful. WIsh I could grow iris here but it's just too hot and they don't survive for me! Thanks for sharing!!!!

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