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Idiot Attack

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OK, I haven't quilted for a month due to 2 weeks of vacation and then acquiring an 8 week old puppy.  So I was excited to start on a customer quilt yesterday.  I noticed the bobbin thread was looser than the top thread and since I was using Lava on the quilt I completed right before vacation, I attributed the tension difference to that.  I adjusted the top thread and away I went.  Well 8 bobbins later and on the finale row of a panto I realized I was using the bobbin case with no spring which I only use for Fil-tech bobbins and I was using a regular steel bobbin!!!  I've examined the stitches front and back and boy did I get lucky.  The quilting angels were watching over me!  

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You were lucky with more than just the bobbin. We rescued a 5week old puppy who is now 3 months old and can you say she is a juvenile delinquent. I heard schnauzers were hard headed, boy is she and talk about a drama queen. A little scratch and you would think she was dying. It took a half hour to figure out if she was really hurt or not and she had a scratch. What is the trick? I have had litters of puppies, lots of dogs but she is a pain. I can only get anything done if hubby is home. She is a one dog wrecking crew and talk about a talker. She howls the whole time I'm trying to quilt. So I think you really lucked out.


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umm...terrier type  :)  I have two cairn terriers...yep...they certainly can be exciting.....My first one was so demanding....that I got the second one!  It helped!  I don't know what I would have done without the advise I got from the dog training club I brought her to.  There was one woman there who showed airdales....and she gave lots of good advice on the terrier mind....she said terriers are like teenagers...always testing the limits....always wanting attention...also said had to use positive reinforcement on them...never negative....they are a bit differant from those breeds that were used to work with people...terriers basically were used to work independant of us hunting all those little vermin type critters...however...after having had these two cairns...it is terriers for me...they are way fun and certainly keep you on your toes!  A 5 week old rescue also would not have had the advange of being trained by its mom....my breeder would not let me take mine until they were 12 weeks...she said they learn too much from their moms,,,,now at 10 1/2 and 12 years of age...my two have almost trained me to perfection!  :)  oh...and they do help me quilt.....the younger one wants up on my sewing machine cabinet when I piece so he can supervisors and the older one patrols the basement where my longarm is making sure no little critters lurk there....Lin

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Oh yes, terriers can be a little difficult at times. We have two cairn terriers (Fearghus is 3 and Fiona is 1) ... they still decide to get into all sorts of new trouble but on the flip side they're such great companions. Right now the two of them are curled up on the recliner with me for a morning nap.

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Ours is a golden doodle (golden retriever/poodle) and she is really smart.  I devoted the first 2 weeks to her and consequently she only has had 3 accidents!  She sits and lays down on command although she doesn't stay very long.  :)  We also have a yellow lab and a 14 year old westie.  The lab is adjusting but the westie just hates her but in her old age she really doesn't like much of anything so I tell Pepper, the puppy, not to take it persoanlly.  :)  Good luck with your rescue pup.

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