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New Puppies. UPDATE. Doing Better.

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Grammie, I have just got done raising 5 Very small Yorkie, feeding then very 1 1/2 hours ! Boy what a Job. But they all lived now at 8 weeks old they all weigh 1 1/2 lbs.Mom just had too many puppies. But I had to make the milk for them because they were not gaining weigh. So if you would like that receipe please let me know I'll be glad too get it to you.

Good luck with all the puppies. They are a lot of work!! But oh so cute!


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Tammie: Nothing melts my heart faster than puppies. God sent you to take care of these little critters. Just hope Mom is okay somewhere - she must be frantic without her babies. We had a choc lab for 14 years and when he died my heart broke. I am the in-house humane society at work. If I see a stray animal on my way to work, I check it out and make sure he/she is okay and try to find their home. I'ts nothing for me to drag a doggie into my cubicle!!! We had a German Shorthair for 3 months before I found it a home. Someone has to take care of the strays in this world. Good for your Tammie; keep us posted with photos of the growing process. Get some sleep - you'll need it!!!

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Well I think they will be fine. Need alot of attention the next two weeks as they have pneumonia but I just returned from the vet and I have lots of medicine and I have sorta an incubator homemade for them.

I'm sure in about a week or two they will be playing and harder to keep up with..... This has turned into a full-time job in itself but HEY NO problem.

Thanks everyone for such sweetness. I didn't expect new puppies to strike such attention.

I am working on their new BED Quilts now!! lololol

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Sorry to hear that they have pneumonia...but so glad you've got medicine for them. I bet in 2 days you will be seeing a difference in them. They'll be up and around a little more. If you hadn't of taken them in they probably wouldn't have made it...I am so glad mama moved her pups to your neck of the woods or should I say briar patch.

Cheryl Mathre

Stone Creek Quilting

Sandy Hook, VA

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Ya, know what they say when a door closes a new window opens.....And all this time you thought you were retiring to be able to quilt full time.... Silly You....these little guys were in the cards and that's the only way that they were going to have a chance to make it.

I would bet Momma knew that they were sick and she didn't know what else to do so she picked you to help knowing that they wouldn't get any help elsewhere. It takes special people to even go this step....God Bless you Tammie for being that special person.

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Oh Sherry, I too agree....it would take a pretty big person to stop me and the fight would be messy.

I just want to see these little guys fight for lap room in about 8 weeks....we have a 90 pound Akita that still thinks she is a lap pup and if she had to share I don't think it would be pretty...

Such pretty babies....

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Oh Grammie,

God bless you for being willing to take in these wonderful little babies! The first time I saw the picture I couldn't get the computer to move off it fast enough because it broke my heart! I'm a dog person, and even though we lost our dear Sasha about 2 years ago, my DH just talked about her today.

We've got two new (to us) dogs who are wonderful, but I raised her from a puppy.

Thank you for sharing these pictures with us, and the wonderful story. These are the luckiest pups to have you, and all that wonderful room to romp. I think I'll go give the boys a treat now to show them how much I love them.

Is there anyway you could bottle up some "puppy smell" and post it? Puppies smell the best!


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Bless you and your family for taking care of the little creatures that have come you way. I can't help but think there is something special going to happen around these little guys to you and your family and whoever gets one if you will part with any of them. Good luck and may the poo and pee gods bless you with quick potty training on all of them.

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Boy, those guys are horses! Wait a few weeks and you'll be able to ride them. They are adorable, you are wonderful to take the time and effort required to help new puppies survive. They are blessed to have you and you will in turn be blessed with their undying adoration. Janet:)

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