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Web Site

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Hello Ladies that have web sites

   Do you have your own site that you run and maintain or do you have one run by someone else?  I have a domain name but I need to find a reasonable way to host and my website as I am only just starting my business and cannot afford a larger expense in this area.



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Mary, I don't have a quilting web-site, but did use Weebly to create a site for our rental vacation property.  We were already using Go Daddy for hosting (and domain name), but I think you can get that from Weebly, too.  My husband started us with Go Daddy (for several sites), but I believe he shopped pricing first.  My youngest daughter started with Weebly and then found Wix, which she now prefers, but to me, it looked more complicated than Weebly.


I'll be interested to hear what others have to say about this.

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I use Dreamhost for my web hosting and I use Wordpress for my actual site's structure. What is nice about Dreamhost is they have one click Wordpress installation to get you going and their support is top notch. To learn WordPress, try Lynda.com for a class. I'm considering doing an online video course just for machine quilters who want to make their own website. I just need to clone myself. :)

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Most of my websites are hosted at Go Daddy and they also have a one click word press install.   I have one that was designed and is hosted by a friend.  I will probably keep the hosting with him, but I am thinking about switching it over to a Word Press site too.  Both Word Press and blogger have options to use your domain for your site on their web version as well.  

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Our son had a web design class this past semester and begged to do a website for me.  He used WIX.com.  I thought that it was very user friendly.  I also decided to start a blog using Blogger.  That has been a little bit tougher but I'm slowly getting the hang of it.  Both are live and works in progress.  Good luck!

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GoDaddy is cheap and makes it really easy.  Wordpress is free and probably the easiest thing to get started with as there are many free templates (or nicer ones you can purchase) that will do just about everything.  It doesn't have to be a blog with wordpress.


I am in the process of rebuilding my website and I use Wordpress.

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