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Large Quilt Question

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Hi All,


I have a customer that has a quilt measuring 80" by 188", yes your reading that right,its 188" long. Not sure why, her deceased sister made the quilt top and now she's looking to have it quilted.


Anyway, can anyone tell me if they think that the quilt would fit in my throat space when I would be getting towards the bottom and all the mass of batting and backing was rolled up on my back roller? Hope that makes sense.



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oh my goodness...that is one long quilt....first thing I think I would do....is to ask her if she is aware of how long it is...and then ask her to measure where ever she is planning on putting it....I suppose one could plan on using this as one very large wall hanging?  then I think I would use a thinner batting....I don't know if it all will fit under in the throat space....how big is your machine?  One thing I did on a queen quilt when I had my little megaquilter with it's nine inch throat was to "turn" the quilt....I quilted it a little over half way....then I basted it to the end and reloaded it feet first....it did "bubble" a little but it looked ok....I did not do any fancy quilting on it....I just meandered....hopes that helps...

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If you select a flat type batting, you should be able to quilt it just fine. I routinely quilt 120 inch quilts with plenty of room to spare on my Millenium. Just roll the quilt tightly on the take up roller by keeping tension on it as you advance, then relax the quilt a bit before you quilt the area.

Worse case scenario..quilt as far as you can, then flip the quilt and quilt the rest..unless you are using a panto.

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Well, that's so hard to understand. That's 15 1/2 feet, which is longer than some rooms! That's longer than most tape measures can measure! I can't imagine a place where a quilt this size would fit--unless it's meant to be hung horizontally in a big area like a bank or corporate office.


I have to ask--did you measure the quilt top yourself? If you didn't, perhaps the owner mis-read the tape? Or she really meant 108" or 118"? I'm so curious to see this looooong quilt!


And I echo Linda's advice that the build-up of finished quilt on the roller will reduce the space available for a panto. I'd probably opt for an overall design instead of a panto, just in case.  If the quilt is that long, I'd probably pass. Too many potential problems that you won't know about until you get into it. Even the thought that you could quilt half, turn it around, and quilt back is scary. That much quilt will never re-load easily. Getting it re-loaded straight and flat will be a chore.

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It is very doable.....


I quilted the worlds biggest hexagon quilt in up to 7m 0r 280" long sections.  Using what ever wadding was the cheapest so often hobbs polydown. semi thickish.


The thickest the quilt got on the back roller was 2 1/2".  so on the Millenium it came down to about a 12" quilting space.


Because you only  have limited room between the back roller and the leveller bar the distance between those is the  max distance it will go out behind the backing roller.

I fully floated the top.  Hardest part was winding all 7m of backing fabric onto the backing roller, making sure to keep it straight as I went, marked the outside edge on the front roller then wound it back onto the front roller ready to start.  HAve it very clear under you r machine to put all the wadding and quilt top, quilt within your rollers, roll on straighten wadding and top and got ahead.


I was quilting free hand from the front.

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My friend Shar quilted a really long piece - 10 yards, I think - and it was upholstery fabric!!  It filled the space between the takeup roller and the leveler roller - that will be the determiner.  I would do it, but only if the pattern is an overall, and a simple one, at that!  Good luck, and keep us posted on how it goes!!

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