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Prayers needed please

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Hi all,

My dear friend Wendy, who owns the LQS where I get to play is pretty darn sick and in the critical care unit at the hosp. Would you please pray for her tonight. I know that God has a plan for this wonderful woman, but I'm sure worried about her.

Thanks so much everyone.


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Thank you all so much for the prayers! Every chance I got today I'd look at this posting, and I appreciated finding more people who were praying. Thank you so much! She's doing better, but still in ICU. Specific prayers are that her bowel obstruction dissipates on it's own, and that they won't have to do surgery. That's reportedly what the surgeon thinks, so please pray for that.

Thank you again for all the support here, it's made a world of difference to me, and obviously to Wendy as well.


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Linda and all,

Wendy is doing better. I haven't talked to her in person since before she went into the hosp because they don't have phones for patients in ICU. However, last night I received her phone number, so she's out in a medical bed and doing better! Thanks so much for all the prayers and support. I know that I felt it, and obviously Wendy did too!


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Beth, was out o' town for a week so didn't see this. Prayers for your wonderful friend and for you too. Let us know how she's doing. Is it kidney stones/gall stones? My niece went through that, now has a different diet which takes care of it. Hopefully whatever it was can be easily fixed like that. Blessings to you for being such a good friend to Wendy.

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