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freaking out!!!!

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Just a thought...would one of the "new" pocket stain pens or sprays for spot stains work? They seem to be advertized a lot on tv these days.

Getting more fabric to replace the stained area might be your safest solution to contain the problem. I'd be concerned about washing the whole topper. That might cause even more bleeding issues. :( That fabric's dye is likely to bleed over the entire piece. Then... what will you do?

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Bette, the new pocket stain pens didn't work. I tried it. However, Biz is my new best friend. It soaked for a couple of hours and every stain is gone!!!!! I will let the quilt hang and dry overnight, and hopefully be able to press and load it on tomorrow. I am so relieved. Thanks everyone for all of your tips! I just called my DH and told him the good news, so he's off the hook, for now!!! hehe A new lesson learned. I just went out and bought one of those portable closets, and I will now hang my quilts in there, and they won't come out until they are ready to be loaded! Whew, I think it's time for a drink.

Thanks ladies,


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