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Okay, here is a good one...

When I first bought my machine somewhere I found a list on-line of things you should have in your studio, one of those things were tools. So, I went to Home Depot and bought a pair of pliers and a little set of wrenches - those kind that are open on one end and "box" on the other. Anyway, I painted them with pink fingernail polish when I got them home...just so I would know - and so would DH - they they are my tools. DH has laughed at me for thinking I needed to paint them...like he would never, ever, use those tools!!

We bought a new refrigerator...and for the first time since I left my mom and dad's we have an ice maker - yippee, joy...life is good. Anyway, DH installed the tubing and today before the delivery comes I had to get into the drop ceiling to turn the valve...guess what I found!! Yep....pink painted wrenches!! I called DH at work to ask if I was turning the right thing and to let him know what I found in the ceiling...you could almost see him turning red through the phone! He just laughed and said, "Oh, did I leave your tools up there?"...

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ROTFLMAO! Oh that is so funny!

MB, just for fun, when DH is sleeping tonight, lightly dab a little bit of pink polish on his fingers and see if he notices... Or better yet, go grab his FAVORITE fishing pole and uh....put it up in the drop ceiling... and uh...and when he starts looking for that fishing pole, tell him that you remember seeing it up there in the drop ceiling right where you found your box end wrenches. LOL! I'll bet he doesn't touch your tools any more. ;)

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Shana, that is too funny...considering that he wants to go to the lake this weekend!! (Lakes are way too high to put the boat in, humm what to do?!) I thought about painting his toe nails one night - cause he always falls asleep while watching t.v. Then, if he didn't notice while getting ready for work...he for sure would when he was getting dressed at the gym!!!

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In the last few years I have bought three, yes, THREE sets of tools to have around the house. My husband has a garage full of tools, lots and lots and lots of them, but where do MINE always end up??? Really I don't even know. Now I also have a little boy who is the spittin' image of his pa!

I've bought three, yes, that's THREE lawn sprinklers this year. Three, yep, again the number is THREE brooms. I should just go to the Triple Value Store for anything like this. You're guessing now that's one for each of us, but I NEVER seem to be able to get my hands on them! They just vanish into thin air and "no one" has touched them. hmmm.... :mad:

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What a good idea to paint your tools. I also have had my share of my own tools that are never there when I need them, give you one guess on who took them. I'm getting out spray paint this weekend to help make no mistake on who's tools are who's. Thanks.:)

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LOL!!! Too funny.

It is a constant battle to keep MY tools in MY studio space! It really doesn't matter how many tools we have in this house, there are never enough. DH NEVER puts away a tool. At best, he might throw it in a box or a bucket that MIGHT find its way back to the garage. (I always have to follow up and finish the detail work on his projects. He sees just the BIG picture.)

Right now I am fuming because he used my set of bits for the screwdriver and lost TWO of them. Of course, he says they are not lost, they're "around". If I can't find them, they are LOST, IMO! :mad:


Christine Olson

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