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Would I be out of my mind to enter Paducah?

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I'm going to Paducah in April for my 40th birthday...! Whenever I go to a show and do not have a quilt entered I wish that I had, although I have not yet won any prizes...

Is the standard for Paducah awesomely amazing? I had a quilt juried into Loch Lomond this year but that show is teeny compared to Paducah. The quilt in question is "Shot 2 Pieces" on my webshots. It has a big twisted log block in the middle and ordinary logs around it. Nothing too clever. Made in shot cottons and gold lame. Quilting is worms and bubbles. I really want to enter it but will the AQS all laugh out loud at my cheeek entering something so simple? If I put it in should it be for the first AQS attempt or just ordinary piecing?(My smilie is saying yikes and is not angry but the UK version of mad)

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I\'d say, just go for it.

I have entered quilts in Paducah for three years now. The first year, my entry was rejected, the next two years they were accepted.

You never know what they are looking for - and what do you have to loose (except for the entry fee, of course). But you won\'t find out if you don\'t try.

And I can tell you from my own experience (MQS 2007) that it\'s a great feeling to see your own quilt on display in a big show...


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I say go for it. As long as you are ok with it not getting in that is the worst thing that can happen. If it does not get accepted then try again next year with a different quilt.

Hey if it is accepted it will be great to know your quilt will hang in the show and some quilts win ribbons and that would be even more fun to get..........................the bottom line is that you will never know if you do not take the first step of entering it.

Best of luck!

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Hi Linzi. I will also jump on the wagon and say "GO FOR IT, GIRL!" If you go with the healthy mindset and attitude, the benefit to you is that, if is accepted, (even if it does not win a ribbon) the comments you recieve on your work from the judges will be very helpful to you for the future quilts. :) Consider it an educational experience; nothing more and nothing less. And, icing on the cake: it is possible you just might get an award, too! This has happened to first timers before!

I quote Yoda from Star Wars: "Try not. Do, or do not. There is no try."

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