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NQR - Haylee is fine

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Thank you all for your prayers, support and words of encouragement. Those of you who had already "been there, done that" - you helped more than you know to releave our minds before we went to the doctor. The doctor examined Haylee's feet, hips and spine, and said, "I have good news, this is not club foot." Yippee!! That was all I needed to hear. He went on to say that this was a result of the position she layed in, and the foot just grew that way. Once it was "released" she would start to move it, and it should be fine. If is is not fine by the time she starts to stand or walk, we can go back for a sock/cast that would help her, but they very rarely have to do that.

Mom and Dad and Grandma and Grandpa are feeling so much better.

Thank you, thank you, thank you!!

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Mary Beth

If the baby feet don\'t look like they are straightening out in about 6 months then get a orthro doctor of go or Shriner\'s and ask for sponsor. They are great with kids and things like that . My daughter was a member of the Shriners and did start when she was 6wks old. The earlier the better as it will help change it. Before bones get stronger and bigger. They are heaven sent people. Oh, My daughter is now grown and I have grand kids.. Email me and I will give you some answers. busybees@centurytel.net

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Mary Beth,

I\'m so glad everything is okay. I\'m sure it was a scary time for all of you.

I haven\'t been on the forums much lately because I\'ve been sick. My grandbabies shared their colds with me. It was the worst cold I\'ve had in ages. I\'m glad its just about over. Seems like I miss everything when I don\'t get to read this site.

Please remind Jen and her DH that the first two or three weeks are always the worst. After that they\'ll settle into a routine and everything will be come easier. I always wondered if I was going to survive the first three weeks after the birth of one of our children. It was really scary when Keira came home (meaning to my house) when she only weighed 4 pounds. Rosemary slept like a log, but I don\'t think I slept at all the first three nights she was home.

Haylee is a beautiful and well loved little girl. Enjoy her while she is little because they grow up so fast.

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Yes we have been so blessed this year!

Jen is wondering if she will survive. Haylee only sleeps when being held. I have told her it is okay if Haylee fusses a bit, it won\'t hurt her to cry some. But they were here for dinner last night and Haylee was finally asleep in a chair, (Jen said that was the longest she had slept without being held), as soon as she squeeked I jumped up and picked her up :D I need to practice what I preach. They asked me why I did that and told me that it was okay to let her cry - trying to be funny - and told them that rule only applies at their house - not at Bama and Papa\'s!!

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Mary Beth,

I am just catching up on the posts after being away from the computer for a couple of weeks (traveling).

I have been thinking about you and little Haylee\'s foot situation. I am glad to learn the good news. :)

Next time you see her, give that baby some smoochies on those cute little baby toes and feets! SMOOOOOCH!!!


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Mary Beth

We went through about the same thing with my daughter. I\'m a really small person (4\'9") and because of the way that Heather was laying her foot was bent against her ankle. To make a long story short....She\'s 34 and her foot is just fine.

By the way, her daughter\'s name is Haley.

Have a blessed and happy Thanksgiving!

Coleen in Illinois

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Thank you all for your help thoughout this entire pregnancy, couldn\'t have done it without you - seriously. There were days when I didn\'t know if Jen would survive, and you all were always here with words of encouragement. I could count on my phone to ring when I would post a distraught message, it was either Bonnie or Linda Card, just calling to give mom a boost in moral. Thank you, thank you.

Now we have just the sweetest baby. She just looks like an angel and we are totally blessed.

The foot thing has turned out to be nothing, and so many of you out there have gone through similar things with your children and it just put my mind at ease. By the time we went to the specialist I was very confident that everything was fine - all because of you all.

Shana, I will give Haylee all kinds of smoochs tomorrow, and one will be for you!!

Happy Thanksgiving!!

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